12 Super-Effective Insurance Sales Email Templates to Use Today (2024)

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  • 12 Super-Effective Insurance Sales Email Templates to Use Today

The insurance industry is highly competitive and attracting/retaining clients can be challenging. With so many options available, insurance companies must find effective ways to reach their target audience and communicate their value proposition. Since its inception in 1971, email is still essential for conveying this proposition. Sales email/ email marketing can be a powerful and cost-effective tool to generate leads, nurture relationships, and close sales in the insurance industry. 

By leveraging sales email, insurance companies can reach a wider audience, build trust, and drive more revenue. 

In this article, you will learn:

  • How to take your email templates to the next level.
  • What are 12 super-effective insurance sales email templates that you can use today to boost your conversion rates.
  • How setting up engagement campaigns with marketing automation tools can put your revenue generation on autopilot.

Keep reading to find out more!

Why Use Sales Emails in an Increasingly Chat-Based World?

That is a fascinating question. Given that more customers are interacting with insurance brands on WhatsApp or web chat tools, why should you, as a professional insurer, focus on writing convincing emails to your customer?

The answer is straightforward. Because your customers still check their emails. 

Statista forecasts that a whopping 4.6 billion people will be online by 2025. And while, on average, 46 % customers prefer customer support on chat, nearly 29% customers still prefer email as a medium for interaction. (Source: Techjury)

It is clear that the email marketing channel isn’t going anywhere, at least till 2025. So, you must remain relevant on this channel as well for the foreseeable future. 

12 Super-Effective Insurance Sales Email Templates to Use Today (4)

Also, it is essential to remember that there are more mobile users than web users/desktop email app users, so you must tweak your email strategy to fit both devices.

Some marketing automation platforms like LeadSquared can help you design a complete cross-channel/device engagement sequence, including email marketing, to nurture prospective customers and drive revenue generation automatically. 

Before we dive into the templates, let’s first discuss some tips that can help you create super-effective insurance sales emails:

Writing Super-Effective Insurance Sales Email Templates: 101

1. Know your audience

Before writing your email, you must understand who you are writing to. This includes audience demographics, interests, and pain points. It will help you tailor your message and make it more relatable to your target audience. Now, this will require a bit of prospecting but rest assured; it will significantly improve your chances of positive engagement. 

You can ask yourselves some questions like:

  1. What would be the right time to send out an email so that it receives the highest open rates?
  2. Has the prospect recently engaged with your marketing initiatives?
  3. When was the last time you reached out to them?
  4. What existing policies do they have?
  5. Have they hit a new milestone like marriage, kids, new job, house, or other?
  6. What is their new job?
  7. What was your last conversation with them?

2. Grab Their Attention

The subject line is your recipient’s firstsentence. Therefore, it must be catchy, powerful and compelling enough to entice them to open your email.

Pro-tip for a great subject line: Using the person’s name in the subject line or buzzwords can improve your chances significantly.

For instance: 

‘Mayank, here’s the ultimate health insurance for your needs.’


‘Just bought a car? Here’s the ultimate car insurance for you!’

3. Personalize Your Message Body

Personalization is critical to building a relationship with your prospects. Address them by their name and use language that resonates with them. This will make your email more human and less salesy.

For instance:

Hi Mayank,

As a mother and a wife, I can relate to your feeling about securing your family’s future. And I can help you do that same. 

I have worked with XYZ insurance for seven years, and I can tell you that insurance for us is not a one-time event. With us, it’s a promise for a lifetime to ensure that we are there for you in your most challenging time.

If you are available tomorrow, I would love to show you how we can personalize insurance for you and your family’s future needs.



4. Provide value

People want to avoid reading a sales pitch. Instead, focus on providing value to your prospects. This can include informative content, helpful tips, or free resources. By providing value, you will establish trust and credibility with your audience.

For instance, you can include a line that references how a customer can access an agent, what policies will suit them, what they should ideally look at while buying a policy, and more. 

5. Call to action

Every email should have a clear call to action that prompts your prospect act upon. This can be scheduling a call, filling out a form, or downloading a resource.

Let’s take the example of our previous email:

Hi Mayank,

As a mother and a wife, I can relate to your feeling about securing your family’s future. And I can help you do that same. 

I have worked with XYZ insurance for seven years, and I can tell you that insurance for us is not a one-time event. With us, it’s a promise for a lifetime to ensure that we are there for you in your most challenging time.

Let’s catch up over a quick call if you are available tomorrow. You can click the link to see my available slots:




Now that you know the tips for writing super-effective insurance sales emails, let’s take look at some email templates curated by industry experts for greater engagement.

12 Super Effective Insurance Sales Email Templates

Insurance sales emails are great for certain types of engagements. Here, we’ll take a look at email templates designed for 12 instances where a personalized touch can improve your chances of building a great relationship. These are:

  1. New Engagement
  2. Website visit
  3. Ongoing discussion – Follow-Up email
  4. Cold discussion – Follow-Up email
  5. Offer email – Prospective policyholder
  6. Offer email – New policyholder
  7. Renewal email
  8. Referral email
  9. Birthday email
  10. New Product email
  11. Feedback
  12. Thank you email

Case #1: Completely New Engagement

Subject: [First Name], get your [insurance product] starting at $X/day

Dear [First Name]

My name is [Your Name], and I am a licensed insurance agent with [Company Name]. I’m reaching out to show you our latest budget-friendly [insurance product].

For just $X/day, you can get many benefits like:

  • Benefit 1 – a direct benefit to the consumer
  • Benefit 2 – the benefit to the family members
  • Benefit 3 – savings VS other insurance company products

Sounds interesting? We also have covers such as [other insurance products]. I would love to tell you about them in detail tomorrow. Are you available at 4 PM?

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

[Your Phone number]

Case #2: Website Visit or Any Engagement

Subject: [First Name], I am here to help you find the best insurance policy!

Dear [First Name],

My name is [Your Name], and I am a licensed insurance agent with [Company Name]. I noticed you recently visited our website and wanted to ask if I could assist. I understand that shopping for insurance can be overwhelming, so I am here to help you find the best policy for your needs and budget.

If you want to learn more about our insurance products, please reply to this email or call me at [Your Phone Number]. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

Case #3. Ongoing Discussion – Follow-Up Email

Subject: [First Name], your [insurance policy] is almost ready!

Dear [First Name],

I wanted to follow up with you after our recent conversation. As we discussed, the insurance policy offers many benefits:

  • Benefit 1
  • Benefit 2
  • Benefit 3

You can click on the link below to start your application process with us:


Also, I wanted to inform you about some exclusive discounts we offer this month. Our insurance policies are affordable, but you can save even more with these discounts!

Please feel free to reach out to me in case you have any doubts :)

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

[Your Phone number]

Case #4. Cold Discussion – Follow-Up Email

Subject: [First Name], your [insurance product] application is pending

Dear [First Name],

It has been a while since I’ve heard from you. I’ll be happy to help in case you have any doubts :)

I understand that everyone’s insurance needs differ, so we offer a wide range of products to fit your needs. Whether you are looking for home, or life insurance, we have you covered.

Plus, we have some exclusive discount offers this month. Our insurance policies are affordable, but you can save even more with these discounts!

If you are interested in taking advantage of these exclusive discounts, please reply to this email, and we can schedule a time to discuss your options.

Thank you for considering [Company Name] for your insurance needs.

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

[Your Phone Number]

Case #5. Offer Email – Prospective Policyholder

Subject: Congratulations [First Name]! You are eligible for a [insurance policy]!

Dear [First Name],

Congratulations on being shortlisted for our latest [insurance policy] offer!

At [Company Name], we strive to protect our customers while keeping our services pocket-friendly! With our latest [insurance policy], you will find:

  • Benefit 1
  • Benefit 2
  • Benefit 3

And all these benefits start at just $X/day. Let me know if you would like to avail this limited-time offer. I will be available at [Your Phone Number].

I am looking forward to hearing from you!

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

Case #6. Offer Email – Existing Policyholder

Subject: Congratulations [First Name]! You are eligible for a [insurance policy]!

Dear [First Name],

As a valued client, I congratulate you on being shortlisted for our latest [insurance policy] offer!

At [Company Name], we strive to protect our customers while keeping our services pocket-friendly! With our latest [insurance policy], you will find:

  • Benefit 1
  • Benefit 2
  • Benefit 3

And all these benefits start at just $X/day. Let me know if you would like to avail this limited-time offer. I will be available at [Your Phone Number].

I am looking forward to hearing from you!

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

Case #7. Renewal Reminder Email

Subject: [First Name], Your Insurance Policy is Up for Renewal

Dear [First Name],

I hope this email finds you well. Your [Insurance Policy Name] policy – [Policy number] is up for renewal in [Number of days/weeks]. As your trusted insurance agent, I want to ensure you have the coverage to protect your assets.

Renewing your policy is easy and can be done in just a few minutes. To renew your policy, please click the link below or call me at [Your Phone Number].

[Insert renewal link here]

Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions or concerns about your coverage. I am here to help you at every step of the way.

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

Case #8. Referral Email

Dear [First Name],

At the [Company Name], we ensure our customers get the best – 24×7, all year round!

So, this [Month], we again bring you an exciting opportunity. Refer a friend or family member and get a chance to win exciting rewards like – [Rewards]

[Click on the link/ Share the link] to get started: [Link]

So, make sure that you don’t miss this exciting opportunity!

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

[Phone Number]

Case #9. Birthday Email

Subject: Hi [First Name], Make Your Birthday Extra Special!

Hi [First Name],

Many happy returns of the day on behalf of the [Company Name] family!

I wanted to help you make this birthday even more special. Sign up for a [Insurance policy] and get X [rewards/discount%/extra cover]

Click on the link to get started - [Link]

If you have doubts, please reply to this email or call me at [Your Phone Number].

I hope you have a great year ahead!

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

Case #10. New Product Email

Subject: Introducing Our Latest Insurance Product!

Dear [First Name],

I am excited to announce the launch of our newest insurance product – [New Product Name]. 

This product is specifically designed to meet the needs of [Target Audience]. With [New Product Name], you can enjoy comprehensive coverage at an affordable price.

As a valued client, I wanted to extend an exclusive offer to you. We offer an X% [Discount] on [New Product Name] for a limited time. 

This is the perfect opportunity to add an extra layer of protection to your assets.

Click the link below to learn more about [New Product Name]. 

[Insert New Product Link Here]

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

[Your Phone Number]

Case #11. Feedback Email

(Note- Can be used to get generic feedback, call feedback, renewal experience, and more)

Subject: [First Name], We Would Love Your Feedback!

Dear [First Name],

Thank you for being a valued customer at [Company Name]. 

Options for the following line:

[Scenario 1] Policy Renewal Feedback: 

You recently renewed your insurance policy with us. Could you spare 5 minutes to let us know about your experience?

[Scenario 2] Call Feedback: 

We recently caught up over a quick call, and I would love your feedback. Please spare 5 minutes and let me know about the same. 

[Scenario 3] Overall Feedback: 

XYZ days – that is how long you have been with us. I would love it if you could spare 5 minutes to give us feedback about your experience.

It would help us ensure that the next time is even better!

You can click on the link to get started: [Link]

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

[Your Phone Number]

Case #12. Thank You Email – Post Sign Up

Subject: Thank You for Choosing [Company Name]

Dear [First Name],

Thank you for choosing [Company Name] for your insurance needs. 

Your policy number is: [Policy Number]

We understand that shopping for insurance can be overwhelming, and we are committed to making the process as easy as possible for you.

Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions or concerns about your policy. We are here to help you every step of the way.

Thank you again for choosing [Company Name]. We look forward to working with you in the future.

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

[Your Phone Number]

Distributing Your Insurance Sales Emails Templates

Insurance is an emotional business. Meaning that prospective customers only buy insurance from trusted partners. For instance, according to Insurance Protection Quotient 5.0 by the Max Life Insurance company, nearly 70% of all insurance purchases involve an agent, and 16% are DIY. 

Hence, enabling your agents to create personalized experiences becomes even more critical. Since agents usually deal with many customers every day, they may seldom write emails to the customers.

An integrated insurance sales CRM and marketing automation solution can help at such times. For example, LeadSquared is a robust insurance sales tool that can help you distribute these email templates through workflow automation. 

Here are a few benefits:

1. Near Instant Engagement

12 Super-Effective Insurance Sales Email Templates to Use Today (5)

If you capture leads via multiple channels – as is the case for most insurers – you can set up automated emails to instantly engage the lead once they submit their details. The advantage is twofold:

  • It cuts down waiting time for the customer and creates a great impression.
  • At the same time, the personalization of engagement makes the customer feel that they are talking to an agent instead of automation – moving them further into the funnel.

This way, your customers don’t have to wait for an agent to get back to them; simultaneously, it reduces the effort for your agents. 

2. Highly Segmented Communication

12 Super-Effective Insurance Sales Email Templates to Use Today (6)

With lead scoring and engagement scoring capabilities, LeadSquared can automatically help segregate leads based on their past and current engagement across your channels, eventually bucketing them.

Once bucket, you can trigger an offer/reactivation email campaign on these leads to add them to your funnel.

3. Dedicated Dashboard to Manage Email Campaigns

12 Super-Effective Insurance Sales Email Templates to Use Today (7)

Gone are the days when you need to go to each email campaign and find out opens, clicks, deliverability, etc. 

New-age insurance marketing automation tools allow you to create highly customizable dashboards from where you can directly view and manage the status of all ongoing email campaigns. You can filter them on various parameters such as:

  • Language
  • Type – New engagement, cross/sell, birthday, and more
  • Geography
  • Insurance product
  • Audience demography

4. A/B Test Subject Lines and Bodies

12 Super-Effective Insurance Sales Email Templates to Use Today (8)

A/B testing is an essential part of email marketing. If you want to try multiple subject lines or different variations of the email body, platforms like LeadSquared can help you A/B test them. 

This way, you can identify and reuse the best working combinations!

5. Maintain a Library of Emails

12 Super-Effective Insurance Sales Email Templates to Use Today (9)

Rewriting the same email, again and again, is a big no for insurance agents. This wastes time and mental bandwidth – which is critical while dealing with a high velocity of insurance inquiries. 

Insurance sales platforms help you avoid this problem by storing the most influential/most used email templates. 

For instance, an agent wants to send a location-visited email summarizing the engagement with the customer. With LeadSquared, the agent can click on the email option in the lead details section and choose the template they want to send. 

And the next step is to press send. That’s how simple it is!


Email can be a powerful tool to generate leads and close sales in the insurance industry. 

Using these 12 super-effective insurance sales email templates, you can effectively communicate your message and persuade your target audience to act. 

Remember to personalize your message, provide value, and have a clear call to action in every email. With these tips and templates, you can take your insurance emails to the next level and achieve your sales goals.

If you also want to set up highly effective email campaigns or to enable your sales agents with a powerful email marketing tool, look no further than LeadSquared. 

Using powerful LeadSquared automation, top insurers increased their policy sales by 40% and renewals by 10%. So, don’t wait. Try it today!

Book a Demo!

12 Super-Effective Insurance Sales Email Templates to Use Today (10)


Mayank is a Product Marketer at LeadSquared. He is always on the lookout for the latest financial trends that influence the global lending market. You can connect with him on LinkedIn or write to him at mayanknath.jha@leadsquared.com.

12 Super-Effective Insurance Sales Email Templates to Use Today (2024)


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