OPINION THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 2006 THE.TIMES PAN LETTERS yt 5 GfBsy ira ini cost Ecps Bosi bii SHARE YOUR VIEWS The Pasco Times welcomes letters from readers for publication. Because of space limitations, letters should be of reasonable length maximum as a rule). Letters may be edited for clarity, taste and length. Sj All letters must be signed and must contain the writer's address and telephone number. Addresses and telephone numbers will not be printed.
Send your letter to Pasco Times, 1 1321 U.S. 19, Port Richey, FL 34668, or by fax to 727-869-6233 or go to www.sptimes.comletters. Fill out the form to supply us with your personal information, the subject line, and type your letter in the space provided. You can also cut and paste a letter that you have prepared elsewhere in your computer. When you are done, hit the button that says 'Submit My Letter." Who knew that Mexico is our quiet invader? Dana Jo Russ, New Port Richey Power rates climbing too high as well There is another new Pasco homeowner threat After seeing our electric usage increase about 100 percent," we came to the conclusion that something is very wrong here.
Just when everyone in Pasco County was starting to get used to the absurd homeowner insurance situation, another, just as curious situation also threatens the homeowners' ability to remain in their homts. It has quietly developed that now comes in the form of new electric meters with minimal government oversight to guarantee accuracy. People must wake up and become aware of what's happening and demand that their meters be certified for accuracy. 4 1 Frank Lloyd, Zephyrhills More motorcycles require more vigilance Look out for motorcycles: The sport of riding motorcycles is growing in all regions of Tampa Bay. People from all walks of life are riding for economy and sport pleasure.
The old stereotype of motorcycle gangs we used to see in the movies rarely exists today. Doctors, lawyers, schoolteachers, retirees and people from all walks of life are today's new motorcycle riders. The sport is growing and motorcycles are here to stay. The only problem with this growth is the increase in motorcycle-auto accidents, with the motorcycle rider usually being the most injured. Auto drivers must realize that motorcycles have the same right of way on the roads as do cars and trucks.
There are things that both sides must do to reduce the accident rate in the greater Tampa Bay area. Cars and trucks must be more vigilant at intersec- -tions; do not pull out onto an active lane unless you have looked both ways to be sure there are no other vehicles votes on an action. The Buntings are certainly not armchair leaders. I quote one Democratic leader, John F. Kennedy, who said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." Show me what the letter writer has done for our country.
Actions speak louder than words. If he isn't satisfied with how Bill Bunting runs his office, the next election, run against him, Theodore Chmielnicki, Port Richey English is the language of the country Re: Is Spanish language taking over? Aug. 3 letter I can understand the frustration of letter writer Donald Long and his sister-in-law when attempting to get the instruction book for a license. Why shouldn't people applying for a driver's license be required to read and speak English? How are they going to read road signs, street signs and business signs? The requirements should be to speak and read English to work, get a license to drive and to register a car. This is America and I thought English was our court try's language.
What happened Why are the minority so demanding and trying to run our country without even becoming citizens, never mind breaking the law by coming here illegally! We need new blood in our government that will return our country back to American citizens! Remember to study how the politicians voted on these issues and vote accordingly, but get out and vote. Ruth Lafreniere, New Port Richey Printed materials In English come first Is Spanish language taking Aug. 3 letter Being born a United States citizen, and a taxpayer in Pasco County for many, many years, I have but one question for our officials: Why in the world are we paying for printed material in Spanish and not have printed material for us Americans who speak, read and write English? Re: July 28 guest column by Mary Partington I agree with Mary Partington's comments regarding homeowners insurance and her dream of living in a modest home, taking care of ourselves after having raised our children, etc. My husband and I have paid homeowners insurance most of our 54 years of married life and never filed a claim. Our premiums have continued to go up and are getting out of hand since we are on a fixed income.
I agree with Mary that we must do something to get the attention of our state and federal officials who are too ill-informed or just relying on the insurance industry to solve this problem. Everyone we talk with is concerned with this crisis and we need our elected officials to step in and help. Candidates out there for re-election are you listening? Mary M. Kopitnik, Spring Hill Use storm-related income to fund Citizens How much sales tax money, fuel tax and any tax that is generated by a hurricane in this state goes to the state fund? This is money the state would never have if not for the weather. Take this money each year and put it back into Citizens Insurance.
I really have no idea what this amount is, but it's a good start. Bob Clark, Port Richey Buntings born leaders committed to GOP Re: Bunting needs to look to Honest Abe's leadership style, July 28 letter I don't know which Buntings the letter writer was refer-, ring to, certainly not the Buntings I know. The Buntings I know are hard-working, compassionate Republicans. I also am on the Republican committee. Many times I have seen both Ann and Bill devote exhausting hours to various Republican projects.
They are born leaders; before they ask for volunteers, they themselves have laid out a plan and the committee or motorcycles coming your way. Be sure the road ahead is clear before passing on a two-lane road. Remember, motorcycles are smaller than cars and are not as easy to see, so please look out for motorcycles. Motorcycle riders must make themselves more visible to auto and truck drivers. Don't wear dark clothing that can blend in with a blacktop roadway and make it harder -to be seen by car drivers.
Wear bright-colored clothing to make sure you stand out and can be seen by other motorists. A blaze orange vest, such as hunters wear, would be ideal for high visibility. Always wear a helmet; it will help save your life in case of an accident. If everyone becomes more vigilant and respects the right of way of all who use our roadways, we may be able to reduce the rate of motorcycle-auto accidents and save precious lives. Thank you and look out for motorcycles.
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