The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

1 TWO CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER MONDAY. 6. 1919 U.S. BUSINESS MEN WILL HELP EUROPE Refinancing System to be Discussed at Atlantic City Trade Conclave. (By Pain Times Lensed Wire) ATLANTIC CITY, Oct.

system of refinancing Europe 9.5 a condition precedent to the commercial rehabilitation of war torn countries will be the most Important outgrowth of the international trade conference opening here next Friday, according to David A. Skinner, assistant secretary Chamber of Commerce of the United: which has called the assembly. Secretary Skinner arrived at the Traymore today to perfoct details of the big convention. The conference will bring together ficial representatives of the governments and industries of Great Britain, France, Belgium, Italy and the United States. The United States Chamber of Commerce has invited more than 20,000 leading representatives of the principal American industries.

Secretary Skinner declares every trade and industry the United States will send its keenest representatives. "It is remarkable to note the tremendous interest which has been aroused by this International he declared. 'American and business men in general now realize that their future largely depends upon the speedy rehabilitation of European countrics. "With prospects for early ratificaton of the peace treaty American manufacturers are conscious of the fact that it is up to the business men of Amorien to provide an efficient working plan for capitalizing Europe, which after all is the great market for America. "The very prosperity of the United States is directly dependent plans which will he worked out here.

"Europe is greatly our debtor and this country cannot sit idly by and leave to the war torn countries the problem of themselves. Never before was there such urgent necessity the exercise of co-operative Stress be put upon those jects peculiar to the readjustment period in foreign commerce. These include, according to the preliminary program: Economic needs of the varlous Euro pan countries during the next two years. Emergency measures during the adjustment period for promotion of trade and the movement of raw materials. Possibilities of pooling and allotting products, equipment and transportation.

Possible measures for association of business enterprises here and In Europe to strengthen backward countries. Reciprocal measures affecting instrumenta of capital to secure equal advantages and to avoid duplication of Methods of stabilizing foreign ex-: change. Eliminating of unfair practices and a basis for the reinstatement of commercial relations. THOUSANDS VIEW ANTI- SUB' MYSTERY English Crowds and American Doughboys See Britain's "Hush" Craft. of persons waited in line for hours to get A "close up" poop at the P-31, a British anti-submarine "mystery" ship, which was moored off Queen Victoria embankment for a two-day public inspection at the close of the official peace celobrations.

The P-31 was the first of the "hush" craft the public was permitted to see at close range. It was only ten yards from the embankment to the quaint looking U-boat fighter, but the intervening distance had to: be 'made in small boats. These each carried eight passengers. It required but a few strokes of the cars to make the the faro WAS one shilling. 80 the watermen's pockets soon were bulging.

but there was no complaint about "profiteering." Among the thousands of curious who swarmed over the vessel were 3 number of American soldiers. Some of them took a peculiar interest in the guides' explanations and COIlment on the boat's "trick" fittingsher geared turbines, gadgets, depth charge throwers and paravanes. It recalled to them a night of peril through which they passed from Southampton or Winchester across the submarine and mine infested English channel. en route to Lo Havre or some other French portand the war. That night of fearful expectancy passed safely, they had marveled at the efficiency of the convoying craft which they knew had been off in the darkness somewhere, plowing through rolling breakers, eager for an encounter--with its aftermath' of "oil and bubbles" from a vanquished undersea hoat.

But as these doughboy spectators heard a member of the crew of the "hush" ship say, "She does everything but and SAW others demonstrate parts of the ship's fighting equipment, hitherto kept secret, they understood why they had so secure. The is seven- feet a long, with narrow heam, dmught and equipped with independent engines, fore and aft, that can speed her through heavy seas at twenty-three knots an hour. Built high forward and low at the stern, the vessel has somewhat appearance of a submarine--an effect that ber designers intended. City in Tabloid NEIFS NOTES GATHERED IN OHIO'S METROPOLIS Try Editor Today--Joseph editor of a Cleveland Hungarian newspaper, indicted by the grand jury a charge of violating the syndicalism law, will be tried today in crimInal court. The indictment charges Barzl'8 newspaper with advocating violence to bring about political and changes.

Religious Courses Begin TodayWestern Reservo university's courses Win religious education given for in the trainAng of lay leaders, co-operation with the Federated Churches, begin today. Two of the six courses will be given every Monday at 4 p. m. In Flora Stone Mather hall. The other tour w.ill given in the Cantral Y.

Af. C. A. building Tuesdays and Fridays at' 7:30 m. City Club to Hear Oberiin lendDr.

Henry Churchill Kira, prealdent of Oberlin college, who recently returned from Europe, will address the annual meeting of the Cly Club in The Hollanden ball room tonight.on America's Present Four vacancies on' the club's directorate to bo aeries of acts will follow. dinner and A FEMINISMS By Annette Bradshaw Jc. I i 3 3 WILLING DEARTYRDOM. MOTHER--Well, my dear, I see you are BOUND to get what you want. TELL OF ACCIDENTS IN SWEEPING MINES Describe Dangers of Post-War Work in North Sea.

are still wet. olly and dirty. hut the The Tulle Taros. (fa. offers Men's Traveling.

Bags Specially Priced $20 P1 Walrus grained cowhide bags, shaped to afford that roominess a man requires for traveling, with the serviceability intensified by making the bags in three pieces, with sewed frame and sewed-on leather corner protections. 18-inch size, with cloth lining- exceptionally good valuc) at $20. (Main Floor) (Plain Dealer- Now York World Sperial.) ALVARADO, Tex. -Roy Jones, 'son of Mr. and Mrs.

D. F. Jones of Alvarado, is A member of the crew of a mine sweeper in the North sea. In letters Just received from him by his parenta, ha pictures the terribie hardships and dangers that are involved in this after-the-war work. Ho was on the Richard Buckley, trawler, when It was sunk by a floatIng mine on July 12.

Jo makes somp startling statements in his. letter, which bears the date of Kirkwell, Orkney islands, Scapa Flow Rocks, U. Curlew, July 20. lle says: "alt is getting very cold up here and the sea stays rough nearly all the, time. The old admiral is trying to rush the game, so wo have to sweep all night.

"Darkness lasts a little longer now -stays dark about three hours, but dark that you. see to: get around. laven't seen any stars since We came over. "This do. Sunday and a long old day, and I'm ashamed to say I haven't heard of a church in nges.

They don't know what a church is with the fleet. And haven't been ashore on liberty in over two monthe. It is a great life. I have lost everything owned in the way of clothing. lave lost several shipmates, twenty-three on one job and eight on another, there having heen big lot of deaths from minea.

But my boasting our luck bad to come to an "There was a Young Men's Christian Association secretary alone looking for romance or something 10 write about and he sure got it. I felt sorry for him when the ship was sinking, as he almost went crazy, but claims he's as salty as any of us now. 'The Richard Buckley Annk July 12 while we were pulling in our sweep wire. A mine blew us up and she sank in two minutes. I WAS shaving at the 1.11114 and stripped for the excursion which cane immediately, hot I landed in good condition and was picked up by the Turkev in about twenty.

or thirty minutes. But eight men; one being the commander, King, hare not been heard of. I begged to go back to the a old Curlew and now here I am. It doesn't scem 80 bad until about halt your mates are killed or crippled. One poor kid, Stover from Indiana, 1: has both legs broken.

and the Young Men's Christian Assnciation man has a gash 'on bead. Our eats are A little better Lincle Sam is allowing us $1 day for rations. Discharges are of the past, 80 I suppose I'm goined to sick it out for awhile Paul Guthrie of Herefort, who was a radio operator on the United States mine sweeper' Pollean, vessel when while six mines exploded under that at work in the North sea on July 9, describes the dangerous work of clearing that dreary ocean of mines in a Jetter to his parents. Mr. and Mrs.

B. Guthrie. It reads in part 3.9 was on deck: when explosion occurred. It threw me against the towIng drum and I managed to get my ankle broken. I didn't discover it until last night, however.

A9 I rushed up to the radio room and went op watch. We EX-CROWN PRINCE VISITS WAR LORD Arrival of Two Ludendorff Aids at Same Time May be Only Coincidence. Cable to Mereland Main Dealer 21 Sew York Copyrigab, 1010) AMERONGEN, Oct. excrown prince of Germany arrived at Amerongen Friday In 3.0 automobile. from Wierengen.

He was accompanied by Burgomaster Peereboom and Secretary of State Kan, who accompanies all the ex-royalties. As the visit was kept secret as possible, there' was DO crowd waiting him. This is the first visit of the prince Amerongen since his arrival in Holland, and the first time he has seen his father since his historic flight, although he met the kalserin outside the castle several months ago. The prince is expected to stay until tomorrow. The Plain Dealer correspondent has authority LO deny the rumors that the ex-crown princess is still in Holland.

It is, perhaps, only a strange coincident that two officers of high rank belonging. to Ludendorff's staff have arrived at Amerongen from. Germany at the same time as the former crown prince, and 80 soon after the visit of the princess. The Dutch papers all publish official reports that the visit of the prince is in connection with regulating the future of his children. COLONEL HUNTING JOB Applies 10 Bureau After ThirtyEight Years in Army.

NEW -The bureau for soldiers, sailors and marines here is hunting for a job that suit a lieutenant colonel with thirty-eIght years of army' service behind him. The llewenant colonel. whose name is withheld from publication, as are those of all applicants, personally requested the service to help him. accepted A commission in the army Immediately after graduating from Columbia university with the degree of medical doctor. In those days it was not necessary for a physician to have A license to practice medicine and now that the officer wishes to return to civil life he will not be able to follow his profession because of the new law.

-0- A hundred years AgO Park pare WAS Now York'A fashionable residence tmot. A local historian has an of it that it "'was the Fifth ATARIA of REPORT FROM U. S. STIRS ARMENIANS. Swiss Colony Hears Americans Are to Refuse Mandatory.

(Special Cable to Plain Dealer and New York Tines. Copyright, 1919) GENEVA, Oct. Armenian colony in Switzerland and the Armenians throughout Europe are filled with the greatest consternation by the reported intention of the American senate to refuse a mandate for Armenia. A statement issued by them says: We Armenians beg to say to the president and the senators and people of America that such a rejection will result in the extinction of the Armenian nation. Only an American protectorate can prevent the massacres which are already prepared for by Turkey and which will begin immediaely upon the news of American rejection in a relatively brief time.

The Armenian problem would thus be solved by the death of the last Armenian in the Armenian lands. We beg for some word of acceptance of consideration on. the part of the senate and the people. Only this can deliver the tortured Armenian nation from the overwhelming anguish that is now upon it, and this will place it under everlasting bunds of gratitude to the United States for its liberation. ENGLISH LAND IS CHANGING HANDS Formerly Only Country of Big Estates.

land of England is changing ownership under the operations of the land settlement bill. Large tracts are being acquired by county councils which are selling them in small holdings to persons who make annual payments for them. Until the enactment of the measure England was the only country in Europe which denied to the smaller cultivators of the land sufficient facilitios to enable them to purchase their holdings. In Germany Si per cent. of the cultivated land was owned the men who worked it while only 24.

per cont. of the small agriculturalists of England owned their own farms. Before the war the government energetically opposed the policy of occupying ownerships of Englishmen. Welshmen and Scotchmen, but helped Irishmen to own the ground till. Thus far 410,000 holdings containing 13,500,000 acres have been sold to Irish farmers, leading only about! 30.000 holdings to be sold.

But the English farmer is just at anxious as any to own his own and under the new law he will soon it. WAYNESBORO, Pa. The direct descendant of the snake made famous by found Eve at In the Brownsville, Garden at of the Eden was the Blue Mountains, south of Waynesboro, the other day, when a copperhead snake with two well formed feet was Hilled by Ira L. Kastzel. The reptile measured 2 feet 4 inches and 31-2 inches in circumference.

The feet are located about six incher from the up of the tail. The lega are 33-4 indi in length, while the feet are round ant ahout twice the size of the legs are covered with A hard gristle. snake has. been preserved in alcoho. Many people swarm to the home of Mr.

Kastzel to see the freak. Sneeze and say Sharp Stevens. 615 Prospect Ave. Private Lessons $1.00 Dance? HELEN Gardeld 10111 Eucl*t 2129. FLANNERY The Cowell Hubbard Co.

Jewelers and Silversmiths Diamond Jewelry Diamonds Goldware and Silverware Fine China and Crystal Watches and Clocks Marbles We invite your inspection of the exclusive merchandise assembled in our Establishment The Cowell Hubbard Co. A Euclid Avenue at Sixth Street worst is over and 1V4: will never do any 1 more swerping in this boat, iS she Is pretty well ruined. expect to, to Scapa Flow and Into drydock for about work and be towed to England and then back to the States. In the first place, when we started swooning in morning the Teal comes alongside and we connect up with a one-Inch sweep wire. "This must be held below the surface of the water 40 two metal triangles, called kites and weighing.

1,000 pounds Mach, are secured to the sweep wire. Then We separate a distance of 100 yards and each comes the line, When. the signal is given 1 All get un ler way under the line of mines. The trollers and sub-chasers come behind exploding Moating mines and dropping buoys. A8 BOON :18 we come to the edge of the mine, feld We trail on insulated cable over the stern and put a negative charge of a sixty amperes on it.

The other side of the line is connected by the hull. which makes the ablp nositive. 88 the mines are also positive the shin them until she gets by and the metal There are two dangerous features swoon wire explodes them. of the he writes. "one is at night when we haul in the sweeps.

The minis sometimes become entanpled in the kite and are hauled under the stern of the ship and exploded by energency cable. The Bobolink was blown up in that way. The other way is called counter mining. That 1s, 1 intno will explode about 200. yards oft and the force of the explor sion will bend the contact point on 1 mine ahead and explode.

it. That is what happened to US. were sweeping a line of mines laid at forty feet. At six minutes past 10 two mines were exploded aft and counter mines exploded six under our bow. You can Imagine the force of the blow.

The entire forward keel was blown off and the bow rapidly filed up with water and oil, the oil coming from the fuel tanks. 'Ag all water tight doors are closed when W'O are swceping, only the bow took water, although the after compartment had a. small leak. All the machinery was put out of. conimission of and we could get no pumps running.

So the life rafts were cut loose and the whaleboat put on the davit. but the. Hider and the Auk. cume alongside at once' and put over wrecking hose into the forward compartment. was standing on dock by the towing drum.

Just A8 I started to go forward the counter mine came. I was knocked down and jammed in the pit along the loft rail. General orders were sounded ani I took the radio watch then and went 11p on the hoat deck where the radio room is. Nearly everything we had was ruined. The oscillator panel, which welghg about 200 pounds and ia secured to the deck by ten bolts, WAS completely loosed and ripped up the deck all around.

"Cur storage batteries were turned over and the acid spread all over the deck. The receiving cabinet, which 19 firmly secured to the table, broke loose and fell off. The telephone aet, however, I was abla to hold together hy good luck, and was kept busy for two hours with messages. We got under way about with Teal towing and headed for bay, which was the nearest land. "Our bow WAS down until the forward ports were under water.

and by Intonight it looked though we would sink, and so the word was passed to abandon ship to the Hider. "Only' men necessary were retained, and they called for volunteers: 50 111 one remained who didn't wish to. If we were able to keep the water in the forward compartment we had a good chance of getting to land, but the force of the water was against the fire room bulkheads, and it seemed impossible they would hold until morning. 'About 4 a. In.

they sprung a small leak. and when we arrived there waS three feet of water in the fire room. "At the time of the Arst explosion I children. The Halle Bros. (fo.

directs attention to Arrivals of Women's Heavy Cambric Nightgowns $2.75 $3.50 $3.75 With the cooler days of Autumn comes the need of heavier nightgowns--some new models just unpacked holding extreme interest at each of the three prices. All are in neck style with long sleeves, cut full and comfortable, in unskimped length, with 'every detail of the making and finishing distinctly commendable. On some, durable lace edging, pin tucking, and embroidery provide attractive trimming, while others are plain with hemstitching for sole ornamentation. All sizes for selection. (Third Floor) New Pink Satin Bloomers $2.95 $4.50 Two new models that have just arrived- -each of firm quality satin, amply sized, and cach of such individual attraction as to merit esteemed place in the dainty wardrobe.

At $2.95 the knee ruffle is triple-bordered in blue silk thread. At $4.50 it is finished quite elaborately with lace and hemstitching. (Third Floor) f- Dresses and Apron Sets for Maids In the specialized section devoted to the correct appareling of maids will be found the essential items both for houschold and personal maids--among them Dresses black or gray mohair of good quality, cut low neck, with white collars and Dresses of black soisette, nicely made, in low neck style with white collar and Apron sets with matching collar and cuffs, of plain net or dotted Apron sets of fine white fabric, cut low to fit a black dress, and trimmed with 1 I (Third Floor) IS MADE FATHER AT 92 New York Man is Presented With Sixteenth Child. NEW Holloway, 92, 1 Hudson river barge captain, is a father again. The aged boatman beamed with prile when a nurse came from his wife's room in the Bellevue hospital here and allnounced: "It's 24 boy, and a beautiful baby, too." This is Capt.

Holloway's sixteenth child, all of whom are living. ITolJoway, who is 41 years old, is his third wife. She has five children by a provious marriage, so that in reality Capt. 1g the father of twenty-one A The Halle Bros. fu.

directs attention to 6. English Eyelet Embroidered Neckwear Yarns in Every Quality For $2.25 to $8.50 Knitting, Crocheting and Embroidering Smart distinction may instantly be imparted to any 4. The Needlecraft Section has just received a new shipdress by adding one of these new collars or collar and ment replete with the wanted qualities of yarns--Germancuff sets in fine English eyelet embroidery. town, Shetland Floss, silkanwool, silk flake wool, and knitThe shade is a delightful ochre, worked in a very open ting worsteds, wound into balls and ready for use. manner that is uniquely effective, and for dainty finish Colors shade from high and vivid to the delicate pastel 4 they are edged in batiste pleating or in Valenciennes and tints of fine French tapestry yarns especially noteFilet (Main Floor) worthy being some dark shades in Scotch heather mixtures for fashioning scarfs and sweaters.

(Second Floor) Auto Drape Veils of Chiffon ..6 $2.50 Transparent Glycerine Soap To drape and fly alluringly chiffon over veils the Fall hold hat, keenest particu- in- Special-3 Cakes for 25c larly while motoring, new terest. That delightfully scented quality of glycerine soap, Any preferred color may be chosen, each veil hem- the Violet Spray, will be specially priced today and stitched all around, and in the yard size. Tuesday. (Main Floor) The bars are of generous size, cut for easy division into two parts a particular advantage. where there are Women's Practical Duplex Gloves children who find the large cakes unwieldy.

(Main Floor) $1.75 Pair 1. Emphatically good looking in their suede-like finish Women's Fall Weight Union Suits and particularly practical because easily freshened with soap and water, without the slightest impairment of their $1.75 soft One agreeable and two qualities. styles, with spear back and excel- These union suits are of a quality we distinctly lent fitting wrists--to be chosen in white, black, tan, sand, mend -in medium weight cotton, suitable for present gray or chamois, with the value eminently gratifying at main wear, and elastic of a and weave soft after that may much be service depended and upon many to laun- the pair. (Main Floor) derings. Women's Nugrain Silk Lisle Hosiery elbow The sleeve; styles or are low high neck, no neck, sleeve long -all sleeve; in ankle Dutch length.

neck, $1 Pair (Main Floor). Of the nugrain dye that gives an all-silk appearance are these silk lisle stockings, of particular merit at $1 4 Women's Purses of Patent Leather the pair. Full fashioned in black only, with complete size as- Very sortment. (Main Floor) The attractive type of a patent leather purse may be Solid Gold Lingerie Clasps chosen today or Tuesday at a sizable economy in price, with the color assortment permitting preference of brown, Very -95c Pr. taupe, mahogany or black.

The size is inches, amply commodious, and A limited group of the ever essential lingerie clasps equipped with fittings of mirror, vanity puff, and hairin solid gold quality, are placed on sale this morning pin or needle and thread holder. (Main Floor) much underpriced at 95c the pair. Several patterns are available, the style of the pins with an extension in the clasp that prevents slipping. (Main Floor) Silver Plated Sandwich Trays Very Irish Novelty Handkerchiefs Opportunity at a distinct price advantage is presented Very Special-19c today and Tuesday to choose a sandwich tray of particular attraction in quality and design. on both Of sides daintiest are novelty these printings handkerchiefs and with just the arrived printings from The size is the comely 10-inch, plated with dependable Ireland Soft and mercerized offered is quite the underprice quality, at particularly sheer, preference permitted of the bright or platinum finishes.

19c. Sheffield excellence, in handsomely pierced design -with worked in pinks, blues, and (Vain Floor) and the new patterns are lavenders that are assuredly fast in their bright color. ings. (Jiain Floor) White Linen Correspondence Paper Rubberized Gingham Household Aprons Very Specially At 75c The Stationery Section offers today and Tuesday a Essential items for kitchen and laundry use are the special value in real linen white paper that will be of imrubberized gingham household aprons offered in the No- mediate interest at the price. tion Section at 75c.

The quality is one cf especial agreeableness in writing They are generously sized, made of rubberized plaid and the underprice is offered for a box containing three and checked ginghams in clear, vivid patterns, particu- quires of paper, with two packages of envelopes. larly well made and finished. (Main Floor) (Vain Floor).

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.