The Register News-Pictorial from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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The Register News-Pictoriali

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

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BY SUBMARINE TELEGRAPH Reeemd Marek BAB am BY SUBMARINE TELEGRAPH Received Marek 123 a THE AR EAST ITALY'S DEMAND OICIAL EXPLANATION A MODERATE ATTITUDE Landos March 13 1b tbe Italian (lumber rf Deputiea yes terday Count Canevaro tbe Miuitoer of oreign Affairs explained the men ten satMoal occurrence which had eulnunated in the recall nt Caraltere di Martino the Italian Minister at Pekin Tbe Count affirmed that at the outset the other Powers were well dipMed towards Italy's demand for a lease of mtm Bay and ogaMd sphere of in terval in tbe province of Cbe kiang After the receipt of the iBMlting note from tbe TsuD li Yamen Italy had pro mised th Powers to remain quiescent and to await the uwue of btr Claude Mac Dnaald'a effort to secure China's reaccep tance of tbe Italian commoiucation with a view to the reparation of the slight cart upon Signor Martino Unfortunately Signor Martino in tbe meantime initiated an ultimatum demand ing tbe cession of Santnun Ray Hence the Government were compelled to disavow hie conduct lest Italy should be accused oi bad faith The Count stated that Italy had no inten tion of precipitating matters The sang li Yemen must he induced to enter upon Deuotistiona Boatihties would only be resorted to in the last extremity Telegram from Pekin just received in London announce that the Trang li Yameu i nw willing to negotiate with Italy in regard to the claims of that country to eoncvtwdons in China GREAT BRITAIN AND RANCE THE NILE PROVINCE5 RIENDLY CONVENTION IN 1xmi1io Marvb Tbe oreign (iffice of Gresrt Britain and rame have exchanged dealt of a pro jmsed (vtiii nton lor the settlemeutot their dispute in jetctcnce to the future of tbe IHur Ghazid and other Upper Nile tern lk THE CAPE TO CAIRO RAILWAY MR RHDES SCHEME GERMANY IN HEARTY AUCoRD London Maih ollowing pi'll the Kight Hon er Rhodes's Vuit to Berlin it has been finally airanged that the Car to Cairo Kailwav hail truer riun Eai Atrxa Mi Rhode affirms that the German Govern uent and elf are in complete Had hi plan failed to secure approval in Berlin he Lad a an alternative a whem to take the railway through the Concn reeatc to the f't rd Like Tanganyika THE BUBONIC PLAGUE OI TliREAKS IN HONGKONG AND MECCA Louden March Ik The dreaded bubonic plague ha made it hi llofigkuug Chiua and ui Mecca the capital riiy of Arabia THE GAT UN TRAGEDY ENQUIRY SERGEANT ARRELL EXAMINED BRISBANE March 13 1 be enquiry into the Gatton tragedy wa rouuoi lo tl iy Willian And police grant stali ncl at Gat'tt deposed that nc earn' hute I vru ih Mui iva Kn the right ot Ifcvemher He rwsrhedMoiui' ipiail aimt o'clock iu i om pinv with Mi hael Cmnolly He did twit mljre any oru ou the rud but saw a ioan riding about a chain in front hi Hj iung I teary' place ou lent lliU wit i aw that the homert in had emptied and iokmtt'ireeiron'iu a tn Unen him nnuliy ijd nd night" and wituere ask'd oiinollv ho are liu rd he replied They are the three Murph'" to tbu witne h4net Mro a iric Low on Clarke Hili I It" jioi here wHucw mw the Murphy' inky wa ahwit a mile from the siprol lhe vehicle contained one owh and two lent de and wiuw rode gi tbr and oming up to the railway stm Mitipiiv overtook tlicai ttituc reue hid home ah nil 3n pan ta tbe tol lowing div ah ut 9 tu the morning man cinm to tiie barracks ami mid to witnerf name i Will am McNeill 1 have rTme tell you that the three Murphys are l'nf tn a out there itare said jmildvck?" McNeill ii'i know tbe name of the imddnrk It I about two iniie along ihe lent Hill road" Witness twtd Murphy MrNedl atwered hael Norah and Ellen They left their home Llt iiciht about n'Cia to go a danceit Gatton and did not return last night this meniing We uneasy about them anl 1 started off on hoi Kirk ttiukc enquiries I came lowuds Gartonnd nliout a mde atU a half nr two miles along the Tent lldl mad I ii rd aherk tnci ind 1 iheni as beinghni of my trap which 1 bad Lnt tn the Murphy Tie trad were lumiue off the ad through the slij tnto th pad dock I nd ere up I could set whre the track had gone through into thi pd'ld I went into the paddock think ing they had gone to a there I w'tt down a ridge for a short distance but 1 saw no house I tl rane lack to tha rail and followed the track through tin ttd iork tor nme di tarne when I came ur the trap and a dead horse Th three Murphys r' Ivv deal a httle awar did pel gv close fn thtu notJid 1 strip to look at them but mde triiht away to McNeill during this int rview appeared excited an was pal Witness do vou think hu haiqiened'' Do mt ibrn': the hore hrhfd and sruishcn th up?" MNeiH do think MX because th wh qtpet andLI WtrM then saddle I hs lwre aa rric away With McNeill 'ei! showed him the track i the tiap and th tdiowed it to lie sc ne of rhe murder Hre trck were pLin'y dde Iwtween Hie wheel (racks he bottom rail as np al the slin Panel tn Moran adtnk and from the aiqiearasce of the ground it eenicl ifdl the rail ha! on the gruud and the trap had been driven over them Thti wt a tra oi an unshod re between the rist oi the slip pati Hiete were no footprints bitwrem the rad gnJ McNeill tied their bor es up near the mt of the murder nd etamirel the bodies ahwh McNeill tdent'fied He made wo notes i the time though he so but be had not kept them II did nor measure the mark Norah's body and compere them with those nn Elta Inspector did you It might have been of the utmost impnr Mi made no remark while the bodies were being examined by him Thre weiv three or four other pretTt at tbe time made th exaruna He dni not take prwantMum keep the penfde awav fre the place He vm of tYini th at the Murphys wetv murdered as tbev hr inoa the armind The enquirya adjounwd until lo murrow TOUR ARBANGEKENTSL Tte PrCVPATNIT RENTAL IXSTTHTt of MA JKorth temc Adelaide by special request are wwtinc their PhyuctM Oiief asd Iiiajw txiaa io rt Aarnta TBothy Ntiu one dsv liadws Hcssi qanra rwiay 17th Jtmrtieu Hotel Harter Saturday Jtth Wittw'i Hotel Orroroo Mndsr jfrth fr sn bmmi until A pn and on I'wefar 1M from an tmtil II awi ot the CisnsM rrial Hotel OosoIcmmu and Ihagnnsis rt MP75 BRITISH POLITICS WttRKMENS DWELLINGS PUR CHASE BILL Lsadoa March LJ The Right Hou CTiamherlam Secre tary for tlw Cuitmiea introduced intv the Uouwe of Uontmouu yerterday Bill de stgned to worlds men to become tbe on utr of the bourn they occupy The measure confer on bwel antbnritien the power to advanee to pRtecthe owners turns at th rue of for a bouse valued at £300 The charges which tbe schrmt my mail upon local rate are limited to IL in tbe pound THE GERMAN ARMY GOVERNMENT DEEAT IN THE REICHSTAG A TIIRE1T BY THE EMPEROR Ltruion March 14 Tlie Emperor of Germany threatened to diNxdre the Rexdirfa*g if the UeMne or (len til Pane penurta in wiring a reduction cf the army inrrewe by 70QB men IdMMfon Mar 15 During the second reading of the Army Bill Ute Reu hntag by 34 votes to 141 re jected the Government's prigxMed stan dard of effectives'' and also the revised standard suggested by tbe Budget Committee lhe te wa giicu after tbe Government had hinted that tbe Kamer fully approved of the contemplated increeaee bemuse of las strong sense of responsibility and solici tude lor the miety of tbe German Ldipirv AGREEMENT THE POWERS KINGSHIP QUESTION POSTPONED DISTRIBUTION BLAME OR HOT HEADEDNESS Lund'n March Reut Agency at abington tele graphs that is a rrsultofnefotiatinwhii'h have taken place between Great Britain the United Mates and Germany in regard to die rei etrt rouble in Sanwo the Powen lure Merer to obbternte all truces 4 the offii ial diputc Apia and to putue for lhe prwnl the question of tbe succereiou to the throne I iie German Gazette" published at IL rim state th it it hao breu agreed tiiil Mr Chamber the Chief lu iw Samoa an American wa mx cn titl to act as i panian of Maliets nut but only to determii the question vf the regularity or otherwise oi Mataafa 'selection tlu king bp and that Dr Rafiel the Mutiwipdi Resident a Gnau was not eo titled to amue a he had done judicial ImitUOM bccauw of Mr Uhauihri ten orm aii eiKt uo hoard IIMS Porpui lt KNS ON II MS PORPOISE SYDNEY March 13 New fxt Samoa states that two of crew HM Purpose have died knee tile arrived at Apia The olh cer and utn gmrally have Miffered from b'u and aiM under the artupit and the tftt and laeuleumt Shuler wa 411 re in tbe hospital lor three weeks uni hi tempiTitiire nwe to HMM He about again thougu he i not strong Lieu t' nint irant is unwell Tiie men are iiuite run down with the long wll the trope wlnn liny haie had twvhe iiM4rllta' hard wort THE STRIKE A SERIOUS OLVELOPMENT REE LABOURERS ATTA( KED 111111 MarihL A "riori incut in owmi turn with tlie shipping strike look place at reinaulic to day or me tune tlie primijui mwuc of unloading operations has been the old a jetty shire luort ot the ships Iwr ihrd IwiaUM it wa MWdle for the poluc oy cowg tiie sio te end lhe jilt' to prevent tic acre of l'ninita a tliu ubvrite the interteriree with uon num ii at work which had uiarkcd the curlier lhaes ot the strike lhe trouble legan at abont Inlf part 2 When only two pobcemtn weren gutil a the shore end tbe tty a nwd ot about 4 aawmbled and pacuing the ohte 'jlin nuiiithcl straight on iohe jAty The non I motui engaiced re reiving ir'i trim strainers into tim had timely vari iin! oi tlie apprise of ttw irnwd and touk refuge on different vessels elderly niiu wins remained long on the jetty "as knmkixl down by tin crowd and severely kid alvmt the face and liy He wa then allowed io have the jetty Auotlu tree labourer also a 'ultol bin the lire pik rhrgt of him and to protcil him The leader ot lhe UuimiKs tv ft tivr tn eudia'our tug to 1'rc'jri rm tbe mtn not to iirewred io ettri ire Mruiwhile lle ctowq uie of whom had armed theaweivew with pieces oi ir iu truik on the jctiy and oliier miil swaroed in to the eteamm Pd lara and ILt hwi li C'artle and dtove al! the non I nsr nirt to die number ot about hfty to the puy and then aurrr ihu lhe free laootuer drew a kmie be wa being hu tlid but the nude him true it up otherwute hr prediahly ligjv rHue tn reutMi treatmeut from the crowd The free Lbourer on tne iLith'vid C'x tle bad tniud thi ftuwhe with and J''bmk lhe only wiiadahli on cei itg ih aptvah ot tlie crowd but pohre fearing that the turl anre would assume wnous iro'iUun adired th not ie tle Uhde lusj ertor Ruk wa attempting to protect ne tree labourer from iu4enr a nun uirri'1 iance "hannoi! ho wa cn di aiourinz to arnault lam closed with th lB icor aud a struggc cnmi Tue In was mrrelv iru co the he Let men rvvotuaily pulled itannon off lhe coDstil! arrested his areailaDt but the crown iutetiu aud uc waa albwcrj to leave th jetn but ws afterward rs arrested A man named Karl Lwve was hit Itt the mouth with a ptere oj won1 Iktnnl Cunutnuham vhn stimk the blow wa arn tii iltan" bile tbe crowd hoard 1 romeofthe atniuiii and tire hulk lanu ruioe aud drove off th fire hlamrec one n( whom woi Lin cn the Kolya ua thrown into th sea and wink there was falti ith id a pteve of wiu struck him le hmd the rer He wn tn the water almut ten minute mallv he got to a twain underneath the jettv whro he was in no danger The whole turhanee about an hour Dim haigtng oj rationa were entire ly tpendd i understood that the poise will be re 'nforied to morrow Mr Eacbam Mainr of Melbourne atd hainnAn of linn of Me 11 raith fai Lara 4 To was intervie wsd to dav after th disturbinre He eta ten that the shipowners wotiM not with draw in the hghtet front tbe i omnon they bad taken up There was snffirtent labour offering in 'he eartern colome ad meti would he tntroJnred a required I'p to lhe present tune th had out of maatden Uon for the men here not wish tn in trodu a Urge number but in view of tbe attitude ike men had now taken an thebiownr cnuld be inffimced further by feelings of that sort or prearet Sowfaa ('armtam Cov Uip Inamhus per pwlr Com flmrer Clartia Mphimuta 34 pre packet Rt cfW Gar ertnre atin lMley Panwip ea Baana id pre parte Awwba ffredi 4c tharluk Brea LR Market NT3c PERDRIJCS RESTAURANT 6 BB I LLSTIB KT THRU CMMMt tioups Jalfasai Puk Tdlm nt Wtutiac tairot tamba' Brains is Poirtw Bat til and Hani Pis Grtlisd Swap lUsak la Boniai Mutton Cutlets a4 reak IMmu Cwned ITartm Jointe BM atrlmu BnC Corned Bret and DmmUs Bore cktiken and IstMge taitrmeie Apple pk tag tven ibmre PwMiag md i i ttowa Uacarjni Otree Cntim and rem Tt'BTLE OTP NEXT MONDAY Xx CHATEAU TAtfTOD A BBAHD Largest Matured Stocks In Australia PURE GRAPE PHUT WPAULD ft snr8cb Anatft Oiltet plaoL MM MONEY LENT bum nBOOCTrnk AOTHKH KING tatexmte tawsrai BoOT BremJ itrert SARDINES ROM THE TORRENS CHARLICK BROS M7s Atcmnao sinss MACCLEffKU UCOESREUI ataACCLEIflELD xxxnuux ACCUSREU XPOBT BXTTBB 4U bovbli iron MACCUSHJ nrvAU arevr MMXLESREU MEWEIY KENT TOWN BY SUBMARINE TELEGRAPH Received March 1 1336 atn THE RENCH ARMY THE ONSLAUGHT BY GOHIER THE BY A JURY ENTH I iSI ATRLTPORTERS lxDdo March 15 Great excitement laa jre'aihd during the Urt few days among the Anu Semite and Soeialirts in Paris owing to tire trial of I'rhnin Gohier the author of a hook entitled rantre la on a ch rge of having libelled tbe rench army Tbe iroaecution was imtiatrei in Novem ber hat by the Government Among the sentences submitted to the oort groaaly bhelloas wen 1 he follow military spirit ts me of tbe forms of barbariHB' have no longer the same soldier as in 1870 Imt we have the same chiefs In the upjer ranks are to be found tbe same ignoraixe tbe tn mt incapacity tbe name culpable rival new tbe ramp luiaiuAti io'' the navy Mt a single Mim lerial declaration that not a lw not a dM ument which is not a forgery barrst ks do not create the military tipirit They are only the school of laze nes ile braring lies immodeaty de baw moral cowardice aud drunki unean behalf the defendant it was urged that he had exercised bis citimi rights in exposing and commenting upon a state of affairs which were deplord by all true friends of rance Tlie Jury before whom the case wa heard acquitted the defendant Tlie Socialists were higldv delighted at the iur ot the trud and gave mthustastic cheers for Gobn tbe Republic and liberty THE PACIIC CABLE THE APPORTIONMENT UOST GREAT BRITAIN AND CANADA AT VARIANt London Man Some of the Arents Genml are urguu the Right Hon Joseph hamlwrlain Sec retary tor tbe Colonies to come to a speedy decision in rrferene to the salmidv which Great Britain will he preiwred to give towsrd tbe prnpwtal Pacific cable It understood that Great Britain udling tv (oninbuie two muths of the cost Canada ill provide three iunths Canada however irirts that Great Britain and herself should la ar equal share of tin burden that remans after AuMrnla ia's proffered rontihution four ninths ha been taken mtn account THE PHILIPPINES AN AMERICAN ATTACK London March The Amcriian troops under tlie command of tieticral Otis haie stormed a feeition taken up by the ilipinos on the hank of the Knee l3(g which flow into Manila Uy There was a sharp fgbt which tiuled in a victory tor tire attaching forte A JAPANESE BATTLESHIP LARGEST IN THE WORLD nndon March The Tajianese battleship Arahu wiiwh i the largest man o' war in the world ba lieen I uim hcd at (lydeba'ik Glasgow hv is ot lajno tons displacement IThree otiier magnificent battleships hc ule several ruer to tbe order of the lajutnr: Government are still hand iu British hbqdiuiiding yards TUE ALLAN LINER CASTILIAN A TTAL 1 OS Ixudn Mareb 15 Exjert mariner who have exaniu the new Allan liner Ca filiau a she lure on Gannett KM in the Ray of und' NVw llrunswitk affirm that site must in retr ied as toixlly lost THE INDIA AT ALBAN Albany March The RMS India oi the 4 Line Worvesltr coinuiander arrived from at dam t'eday aswnger in tbtal'sai' or Mr and Mr reeman and ianuly Miser addy Weniys 1U1 anil ttlutty and Mr Ihthlado Knihlo new and Snowden or Mr and Mr Dum an and family Mr and Mr mitlt Mi hvwt and tatuih and Muves Gn lb slum uni Baker or Mr and Mr lrnrr xnl ff'iA Mr aud Mr iur rbompwn England Denny Els rlwid Crorautan and Meuzies Mr and Mr neron Mesriitnen Wright and daughter i lark and child Tlemip on and Kirtrmn and daughter Mirs id on nme Menzies Joni and I'daki and (aptani Clark Mr and Mr Cohen and faiudv Me rs Cbn Jim Venwm Chrese Drn Pu Rohler Tarli im tiiake tflhn White Ifc ttington Aikuon Vaurenan Ha dy Hiu en md Ma kiu Kn Mr amt Mr dttimr Mr ami Mr and tau ly Mditni i and daughter Hinrbdiffe and danghtcr 'red)t wnk Wwdm and hiM aru lkn ami Ireland and daughter Dr hihrd Captain CrMwk Dr Hardt AlLin and the tunteM ni Mau tn hor Bn lcine Mc Krene and Knowles a plain Crwfe and Mr Hardy or New Merer rnhir Bird ani lobtiM or Hoban Mr XVedAiml Mr and Mrs Hanml Ml Jerk and Mnre Rack ixty tire tor all rt in ofl iac due ludia sailed tor Largs Bay at JI 30 am BY SUBMARINE TELEGRAPB)Received March Iff 1230 in AUSTRALIAN EDERATION TI RE BY THE HON DR uouhBUBN VH III AUSTRALIA AS A EDERAL VlEWs bnihJERMY MR BUXTuN AND MR ASH Ixtodtm March 15 At the Royal Colonial institute hat even ing pntx uce of numerumi and dial in guiabed audience the Hon lr co*ckburu Agent General of Scuth Australia rend a paper entitled Australia a a relifnl Pie air! nf Jersey an rt Gnvenior of New South Wales pre tdfd and Gciwru1 bir Henry Norman Sr James 'crgurenn and Sir Mregrm ger were amorg those )trewnt Dr t'orkburn id the curiv of an elo qiirnt address remarked that the develop ment ni Great Britain's colonial empire ut tbe most stupendous hievemenl of thege ederation be averred would open a new and splendid volume in the history of Australia fulfilling not dest roving th ireai principle of autonomy and pving it definite rm Tlie achievement of Aus tralian unity would he uggeU'e oi vast I ossibilitms fur tlie co ordination of the Eiigltoh spcakiig races lor purpose of le feme and mutual adiancenuui The Aus tralian lea of had len dtawn conununie skill and displayed a truly state manlike instinct Tlmy were founded on tru the eople and faith in Australia's future lhe hmnuan after indicating hia appre ciation ot lhe lecture imidcntally rxpn svmjwiliv with Che VKtim of the se vere Lnrru ane in ijimenaland lie dn lan that he was delighted at the aproach of ledcr rtmii with pemnaj lawn on an many important subjects a federal system of de irnee and cuiilinued loyalty tn lhe Grown 1 fie proposed union was certain to greaily UM reare the strength of Australia 'iwil Buxton the retiring Gores nor ol N'Uth Australia pink occasion to thank ilte lolonisi through tlieir Agent General foi (lie kiuduere and hospitality 'hi i had eumJid in him and Lxdy Vic i'na dm mg their residence tn die anu lie had enjoyed bis (Mvetmtwbip wliiili had In cue id lhe gnaleat phw urc of bi lij'c outiumng Si owelt raid he idnired the striking lourage uuw be Au iralin in a lune uf crisisiid lu wa ciHinJi there tow existed a Mlid ast for returning prosperity ixle ration would give uot only strength but elevation of (h'Higlit to lhe colonists Nir Philip i ysh Agent tmn ial of Tas mania ImlierM thaUAustralian fi dranot would le a sli pping stirne to a rtll hln mnn of uno ti He wna sure Queens land and Mertcru Australia would find i necessary In follow the other mlonie ttpc the i THE GREATER BRITAIN EXHIBJTION A BATTERY AND CYANIDE Lxuiuc March re Ji rome hir ami TIioum fninih who are both interested in Victo nin mining an urging Licuu Uinl Gcimralir Andn arke Agent General for Vic toria and sir H' rai 1 ever Agcnt Greeral for Queensland ti rei nimend their flsivm iitent to aret the offer of I Im Thnne Maehnirv I ompmv to ere at" I work a rusinog hull ci and lyanwie pl mt in tie mining dijartmetii a Ue iorihcotnitig Greater Britain Exhibitum The nu rua and Qibvn laud Guiciument would 'ih uitleitaki to supply 2m iou of quari and tfie otnjiny' rltarge nt 'ii'iild In 11 pr ton the ImIidc of the proreirls irom the sale id gold recovered Inmg jiael the iVocrnmeuts interested Mr la ne lidgcy the Victorian mining exit and Mr lack Lta Queen laud apinne ot tbe proposal TECHNICAL EDUCATION at PRuKEN HILL A GILEGE WkNTED ritnKLN HHL Manh Hr Mom ua rintvidrni 4 Tevhnicvf hdaiotmii urrivid je Urdiy murning oC lhe pin se ot imestigating a reqmwt that tin priMiit 1 eviimral 1 oiiege Broken ihll bv icplarvil tn a larger and ta tter piqqa! la il png larel iictiUig he ad his''d a large representative and htu iL tic ga i hi i mg "I i iioiii ot boih eM tn the 'I own on the subjett of lei billed idmalxn Iu the mutwe of hia remark he said Im had made enquiries a Ute i il Broken Hill and had Imen s'ired thet he wuM tn live toec rii end oi piusprnij He was a Ubed ibrt i' tne people could (taOtii the Mmisii I Im atiuu that a larger CiJ lr nc'dei Woud Used it would ere nd apiain Warren GiSieral MHIHIT of Rk in atd Prei ilcni oi tue Birtar Branch nt the Mine init is' A MM iaiioh moved hut tho imvliiig lilge Uaii lilt Minister life necew 'III 1 tnried'ii' i nslrmt ng a Ul4lk iH'Udint 'or pnrperes technical educa Ibi tmit'on wia oudiai by Mr I'oking'pirnc Piv sleiil ct the A MA lhe Mito Mr Iiui tiii thn preowlrd Dr IXiir Ri hop Uilcanma Ir Bartley AJ'irriiiuii Weigh' mi uHnra in euuport tiie rreilutmn also dealt rlhiustively the I'hatitag' of uh ext' fi led edu i ttma With iibwcC hwnna at their veerhor Mi fluttT Reldrui Muter uf th hmeal oligr (eke lengthdr the 'Ubyit md hi ei iy Inq that auroras would the effort in obtaining a more suitable aud 'uit'iodMHU budding uid 'urroiiidu A lnmr and Inti epirpiil College wa alredutpty nerraMrv in i he did not ron i rr it improbable that airMs mri rrr grsnirq quitg fur hiuidivd pupil would in dur eouiwe bornroll! 1 te rardinrut at the present 'line i l'l THE BEST CLARET 4Nl Pl KUT ialhs STANLEYnd tbs UniTKffT Wine te 7 STANLEY CHABLIS SOLK AOPXTa RANDALL BOUCAUT KINO WILLIAM aTnvrr OPPOSITE BOY ar KAliiAAuk 't IWEITY IVE POUXDS lIM Tba wkm mm wtn tea mM to nay sm LEADING TUK i OWHCTTOW UP 4NV PE4 MJX OB PEBBUNn BEhlLUNG (BUIXOOM LADI) WHISKY DAUilTT 4 COMPANY LIMITED MTbw KCarrta a ST PATRICK'S DAY THE BUT 4NB PCBMT SUCCULENT ST PATRICK CLARET AULD 4 SON OlLMBT PUCff SAT CALDZB'S MALT BREAD 4L BCNIMXnKT WpMito osto 8 4 A esto jsrt rerebU i BLB1X OtnWL1U WUUamtomeL MM THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN REGISTER THURSDAY MARCH 16 1899 in crime nlso partly Lip by the iuiiiiav iimii Mb takiQ place in tin ordtiiHty lot rf tb b'net worker fr there i tot nw tbe name pretext i toriih rly exitied for shirk ing the o( a car ut iabuur Tbe dneflioDAlttn prone to claim ihit Ui tailing' off iu tlw prison sririMtc in due mainly if not tindy to re litml ni rrm ifon Mii'h might sold lotu tor uud ngainst thisntiDtion Education has wrought iat and tn uetictal cti iugt and uo rtvilz4N and prngrcwdvt' conntij WQ iiilonl allow any of its tqnzen grow up without iletoentary instrut tiou But wound moral frainiu in a sine qua yon to any form ot du atiou iiiai is io prilu hout taw abwUn i ilizi and it is gratifying io know Hurt far a So i Australia is con iend tbm priui iph is rm ognised in the rearbiu imparted iu tbv Stilechoo Hut Ibero is wbb vproail pi in that Jh atj Swift did uot miss lie mark wli' In are like wbu may cairh small ffie hut wa ps and hornets break fiuiii WUeit a starviug ignorant Motnnu is riuigu to gaol for steal ini a loaf bn ad whilst educated'nndrei Iy uu au of artfully pre imred pr vttH and Iwlam sbei is are alLniv il iijd the puouc wim 'tnpunity ut i ti of taousainls of pound it i pn mature to boast rhe triumph of mere hejd kuvwlcd'r'r th dprav iiretiucts The la rrindual statist! of England ary Wales provide suggestive aud I viunhle reading rnflitt ami indicate 'rnrt II Majesty's Commis sioner are performing their dnri in a prm rleal Itrg je9rftd mnoin that is Ikrerrihs of all praise The foijiov 2 is a ratib oi uiitniil ronvu Tlnu a Uidn rtueiir pep I loti iu the mrbd narm T' 4 mmii ms nrt(jl VStcte 3 tr rr i in ll 1 4P Mar nd I civ end Vlinh 7 I 'boh it in the irJ mttmr inAii ies Im ri rel' upwm il but this i due ti eri ati'ii mauy mw of nr' ill niati rial of the wi of di aliiu with lirea jhr bw and the gii irtr a tivity of nd lo al authorities in pne Tlie ptnl record of riiuvb' ioi under this hetul in was as neiiu i X3kV ill IXHk the former 1yiL' tor tirnhK' idit ss ul' oo 'jpjL's fr oifi mni a aiu the llkhwny Air To for jxdi regulation Im al I'i laws and iti'ibi under Im I' 'iduiu gaunng an inci rrigihie Th' i promising sign i ll tile aimdwr of yoltug oUs illn i i Man sbiwral a ti sntanilde d'He im i 1fi and also that Ibero vrs a s'i falling' off' it oi niaiU eoajmifhi! to refnruia It i rioh riuy ilui tin pi jnoie eomniiittng juveniles prison hi 'i lesseni'd ling is in 'f ral 'in rli'd i treatm tit t' ymi'litul delitt q'H iit a eoinliiiiaiiuii of kind i'' and tinnm the i st ly oiit'ide vi'illfrtary to liini tin inm nmina eoir I Ih iirteneir of Warwick I iis'in iil 'i taken full adiantage I lhe i opi tlillilV fop IIM'illlUre I 'tlbsl it bl biui iisllt'il leiehil rat the pli ieal ilri'l ha of ei au bln aid implicit olwslieips with ill ruction iith iu religion ami svitLar I i lege wh'h an uba in 1 i out some fruit in tin najriiy i these jioor bey who an rt an tj to betro" The vertior of lad tr Pri i'ti also a re 'lit of rtie Hill ing Up strict di'' eiuuldm with i on and kindness and i otistant eli plollliebt i i pnivil lieyond douhl the iiiiprisoriro fit of these lad' lis mon salutary rfiivt which I realixe i ly a mpsri ii 1itli as mini tirir umrnl and physical slat reeeptiii with ihir rmidumn e'sehargo" The ntotla country is fur jiate pos ing many Prison I riirt iiib who an stuxiou to serve their rotmtry ly tlnir Iwst to pave the way for the aixdrtiuh rf their ivn mauous lu formation in nvl prison of what I hrmil the i Ikw" by 1 S' gn gatpui of Itrsf nftehdef tiai they may haw no intercourse with hard ted criminal ha 1etj a i tided by highly nroinigillg reup i iiich ttiai in 17 ihe nliiiiii caiisevi th in to I lil i all local gmd ir oif to an relcu on lii em mtlly Ions Iw fnre ili ir iitetn i ex pire an if after three iriour months' trial they arc found to tie in a fair 'ay toward lending an lu'iiot IL they an relief i troui lurtin "h' isinb i hi ibis iihjei Mr IL Minpi ii who wruie tin inrrodur ry analysis io sfatiti uImiv 'i i 'h Ltaiks that nnli al i adi "Hipped go tar support on tiitH mil Mrritndi lde liailug hip Lu' terror for th hum h'i lead a life rime re i la effccT which is sotiietini atirilm to of i nrebing the moral re sjmnsibility oj subjected 1 or i' nroiog a reiiirn the piths pf jle depnrtoieiii nnd the Army and Ntvy al uriliz prism laliotir a uhtp extended sciie th in ever Iwfnre There is a no depletion ranks of oakum pickers and at an rly tn all ittipro dr tn crtui and treadwhcel be disceniittt: or the year tdd March BL lhe average cantings rarb cont i wa S'UO of llila tv bi 11 tmtiarii id Sul I paid iu sftm tors are ti ly env ige! i ihe prisoner iintl tridi atid I let' cl del" it'" to tile if ir tivt "irk lp 1 fit Tillie Ha Plttissober till lending their vn'itilib aid in tie or NEWS THE DAY RUNDALEER WATERWORKS The Government re pushing rto with the Rutid deer Waterworks as rapidly pos sible At present Dearly OT) men are fin ployed on the work whom about 30 are engaged departmenuliy The Iwlam are enqibo ed in excavating the tiro tun nels in progrnr The entire work is ix ing earned mi Mtirtact wib and a tewcck' time it hoped that every thing will be tn rnidinewH tor laying down the pipes which aretn be manufactured hy Mr Mejihan irgusoti at hi work Kilkenny The pipre will be similar to ibone revcntly hul down in renneetion with the Scm iplmrc main ifty additional men tve been put to work at Bundaletr tins week 1TRT ADJAIDE DEPOTmpnrtot alu ratioe are pcogrrs at the Port Adelaide Iroduee Depot for the lorrhcutraDg lamb ami rabhu seaam The rabbit viil lagin ntxt mouth and Mr Ikevintncn the Manager of lhe d1 vrtment exnet to tmt double tbe quantur he di i lw year He TirUier an'i cipatra being able to treeze9iWlainb week ly dunig tne iMning sftuon Thia will be effected insulating the tUorerontn al the depot and thu doubling it cnpacity A new st xoroom i also being treitcd at the rwr th sianhtwmiiK and thia will be uuiued for the 4orage oi general produce 'UUrndM fur export imt n4 required to be ii 'Zen I is intended to onvm all tbe upT I'K tos the depot into freezing chnder and to ue lhe lower ones fwCuag' puriN BC THE WEATHER tnv report tlu re mai'ked hark T' dd on Wednesday be that it is Mill very hot over the whole nt "Utb Au trilu ind tuna I tn glt'l to be able to ray tln ic i at la a fair rospn ot a oul change setting to morrow proluibly in the running a we ue a high baronulcr a a gi tru ud setting in from the The Uirouw UT al Albany has ris nearly a quarter an inch Mure Tuesday morning ami al 9 a in Urday tbe reading wa 31 1 1 with south wvstvily wiiida en the west roast and a tar eistnard a Eyre' Jandj atch 1 am glad to rav that though tbe tenirature at Em la ha en Iroiu 14 dig 9 a in toii deg at noon the wind ha jn to the wi and will shortly reduce th teniiranirr tbire Uvrr New Siuth Wales ail on tire w't we have a before a high U'runnter and i id weather gi cersdiy and it i only modcrateh hot 'vt the (furling and Rivenna ditnt At Wil annia sod WalgHt tin teiniwrature only 71 deg although on lue luebernnwter roe to deg at Wik annia tnd legat Dendiqtrn a nimtiar will ml deg yesterday nt A l'lriL and ST) ir at 9 am to day Iktareti the vity ami Port Augu ta indeed i at nt drfiui th h'itist pirti' of the uiny Northerly wind prevail all over Smth Au tialia south ui Alien riiu urther uxu nni! rain arc reported in the Northern Territory extending south i Italy Watrr ire 213 in ba been regt un lnlt it Thuid Island I I in ha Thei tlii i generally 5rre mer tne Gul) niiitry and tbe north ea lhe lollotving forn a wa iued on ednraday in Mr nirnt Uraggv ol uivuhnd Ai: t'l iiw ed cu a l'l rhanic with ram a In tdy ilu el hrirtV dU't t'iitv ati duitnn are pn hibk pi the ram ine in the North Sortlirrft Ter nl' More tain ar i ka dtHrlinTl rvially rmrth txm ilv Wi i wind iitiablr ine in entriil Australia III TITX NflTU AOTRAIJAN UK KE1ER loiir oi five utli Au tralians whoi'k irt hi ilie test mat' in SydneymJ MelU'Unn tnnied to V'llatde on df' "lav wroiug Tho'C who nia'ic be trp were Glrtin Hill lone and Reni nun Tii' romirm the ti 1i graplbil Lr on Jl coi ir'piti''i ni Lat nied in other quart' fb ir Lwi ha mined the Au'traban Eleven and that I ruiiiptr will do if it i droidid take I'Hirtron rmn Engl nd Darlni had ri nsii in Melliotinre over Inc lay nzht the Ml Cnewel I'jniuet Aji'i ho witi artne Adelaide on ThurxLy niuming 1h other rmmtier of the Au rndiait Eleven ind the intirrohnial rnckrter win' an piiv the gam Iirginutng on thedviaidc I ii uu riday PHANTOM HII The barque Lodon Captain Murtie nitu ipc 1 wn hi inn'a our Mapping ir lo rt i'iiig iiwiv dii th" Gult sigiit 'f the cmihore paint'! i)s a pmntiii fir day In a Kempt wa made night put the lledili fifiiur in 'crmtinu niton with hei mt in on a 'he in tlu oh itv about 7 pio Mie had rript up xtim hl lidc a llgh' breeze w'dnn til in' It the tetti an we give i ie her th Atreid Alter aning seieral nil gh'isil' tanking Meaner irme up ml wa hid'd e'nrornitg the btrra'iouu lnd' re bur the reply wa that heni bed nviv rite wearward rlit "ulil i4 be in 'O artif a hase inn mile lhe ptuur Mundened ind lhe A rtTS'd with the Piffl'd officer return'd ro the enpb it lop MrN tllkie? wll" I ime Ml the OniTa'l k' iiiir4 i day in commumc Ce with iie wa ef rbe di ippoint'd 'MIH NIAV GI'TH ALE I AlI'IIIK Wr bill ei ed a tu' to tae raub Wih HHDtrcnt 'Mli'Tr Ktg tfrir C' net on id taiisti' oi ydtro a' i ubiittt i'lbi popuk! pt i'V i ubiuli' on iki il'1 11 wi JtiJ''d 21 2Vi nub and 2H7i femalera ururst 2lS3 Utah fe rt the ebra of tile pr wiiiu yrai Phi iitan i'r I' wm in iy and in 'tbur! or fr the enure nnir polii arti 1'te pu'jsai of the vny at end oi IaS wj at '721TG male i JklWi ferrule' rii et people 'he metropolis wi 1171 pro 'em the wh population i icwiM per rent at the end tbeiisr ls' 7 due BiiTnltr tiuriaie re rd the ir of which 2 wre 'be nc aol 17'7 dw aubut! diu tetri i more than in the prt'i'U it ir ilu I'P iiwrrod num 'nel i''f'i rnde 111 Milm 27fi lt i ubnrl 9127 I tol male wilisi an i nt iht 1' 17 utak hio ii i di cenr were tP'W rurtc the rjiiulo tn the nti whi 'b in ludi Urn idi A thim rii in the Kirt lhc nmulierf I rtlt le than in The it I'l'zailnn ff line the mitk tat' per ni rhe 'pulaii iu re 'rttmernn tehintary 1 i trzsi1 er Aid Scelie Td 30rggesfing vistinion te Ind'es It) In eity of S' rtpttin vrd'Ts ad kiinlly and he of nwli' offen'I' in wler h'l CIM niiib' ii i hi inii in hiqie with f't'iuin nutiiii us ii is tint th ttlir li i ofto iu olisoivte iugtl 1 i(iu there i groitnii rtneero rl3i ttoti tluir the siniiu i with diiniiiisliing Ln ano nripy of th who wi uid fornn rty 'c ou wIi' Jtuel iu tin wiitif an in ii rescue'! )'! eiored jH ini frit nd atnl the in iitvti tth' i ready to we 1 i'iue tuk lirnu lii ovn hrop that PRIHCESS TEA 1 1 3 16 QUALITY LAVOUR RICHNESS W'jo i G''ASBr CO Meirirth 22 Sydney 241i ami uburh 2S Mi ropoli 292 he' 29l air! uhuil 2911 fr the preiiott' The tiumhvr Iroth lUitnii for the metropolis wa 6JHI iXt'2' mill' 2n viz: Sydney mab fein d'' and ubtirl tn 2111 as igimst 'i 22'1 ''S4I malt 237r fetnab) in jst'? Pin 'll 'vtlg an Ibi reuse Vl lU'i Pi7li luaks'i67 'li1 llktu Alli LtalLCs rlwM wM tea rotit Itaw fc sleep badly ttoraa wte arc Ml tack eMgte have want tanic Mae van triad Welle's 5cllnapp? A taic that rotate kM1 aad pajtacaligw CaaSSLEY'SEJfilBES I A correspondent Tuesday evening a cnMiderabte iaout of exeite DPBt wa ranted at that quiet aeande re art tbe Grange by tbe capture from tbe jetly a bark cd awdiam sue Tkt mo int'trating oint boweicr in connec tion with tbe affair wa the manner in which the capture wa effected It appear that a evupie oi genitauen were oa the jetty hortly after 7 o'clock in the evening when they heard a vink nt commotion in the water (hi iavtstigatioB they' disco vered a ime of no great etreogth one ead at which wa attached to the jetty sod the other apirentl to a large bah in tbe waler Arter set tiring assistance they began the tak oi hauling tbe monstre I ashore but then discovered that there was a second line also fastened to the jetty 'Ilii wa accordingly undone and thebark tor such the fish turned out to be' wa hauled axbore without much diffi culty and puUed up on tbe sand Quite a small crowd soon assembled to view the eaptne which wa not yet quite dead and after an illumination had been brought on the crw tt wa discovered that hq was wound round and round with rope A c'ier search revealed tbe remains of a couple of crab uet the wire rim of one of "bi encircled tlie body vf the hue fish like an iriu belt The complete manner in which the shark was tied up accuunte! for the ttomewhat passive stance which he bad offend to hi trans portatk from hin natural element for in ordinary 'tniinitanee he hould have been aiNiLIc a conm lerable effort as he imi'iired oii even I eel trout nw to tad He hid evideritiy tried to Like the bail fri'tn "iie the nets and li cotne entangled with lire rope hi nulisequeiit efforts to frre only etum shing him more com pletely When di vv red be bad pro bably lieen caught for some time and was tired alter tlie struggle to regain his Ii lirti The owner of tbe nets did not apyar to le on tlie scene and they will pt'd'iibly be somewhat atouihed when they learn whnt became of their property and th mivek or almost unique ue to which it wa put" 'the tune is approaching when the an nual isMt race between St Peter' College and the Grek mg Grammar School will he rowed A the record stand two and two irt're than unal interest i attached to the i onter which will he decided on the ni'Hn of Saturday April Singu larly enough ea lnl ha and lost a race its own water A usual MrI uthhertson i ronhing (ieetang tbe lov will have every advantage which experience and entltusia i au supply The order row 11 at resent Br Cnittb 9 lb 2 ulford st 10 il Whitehead 10 3 lb: stroke ILM artny Io lb with A While cox 7 I lb tamy tin average will 1 tnile herti' i than St rier's bo i rew 1: law 2 Muirhe nl Tan 'troke rawlord: ox Luxmoore Tlie Adelaide hi are iieing coached by Mr Giidkstone and though th do not as yet hi there is little doubt tbd by the day oi the rare they will iw nU' ii iniprtiveii end wdl give a tbo ii2ldv eoinl mvuiint ct theiUM lira in the tniggie (in Saturday last llw had a good row th irt of ten miles in the Eton Eight Mr Girdk totic taking an oir ind the other three plaee Iteing hiled iy Mr J'urt'm short an old ind Sttc 1 pieseut Uy Mr Bak morr t' ring The po River wa quite retivli i to tret the ci going cupi nty ot Hr Wan' handiwork and tbe oiurt proved ber vit not only iut inniirr t'L! it but equal to tlw liveliest water We iindeti taii I lhit on Mcndiy Hid tVc lnesdav next week there will lie1 mIkn'i rroatta on the Torrens theiiteruvoiis alter Iuk1 loatr lue (ee long crew i r(s ted to arrive towards the end of the week pruf liiig that iu whl' ll the race i rowel htr A Ihn tiriM corre ponil' iit write: tale relating to the fecundity cf snake which may Ik of iutiresto iiir readei comes from Hindntarrh lind Several members of the tantilv ui a will known resiumt there had rviv alcHy cTianenomousbracksnakeiiea' 1 will whfh vi ui daily for wat ting1 iv'mg that one cf his riitblren night li'orl uta the reptile and be bitten tiie iithcr oi ilic lajutiy wa induced lau nulay vi'k to take up In stativii by lhe ide the well with the qx of string aul dispaltffiin" lit unwebopte visitor The snake happened to he there My utfor aiaui who iad taken the to arm himrelf wih stiff niece tenetng wire imru diatei ti it nt it alreont cut tiiife in two but still witiicut making it budge iioni ii hidir nknv Hr then seized lli r' ptde bv th tab dragging it half in hi effort to di i latv it when to hi aiuazemi ietrt'x vung oneiIhhH a ot long eiui rofd frtn tlie ei' rxl ninth He Jt the wWe lTOud and me that they were t(il lying neir ihe well for any oiw to kv Tin max wind rath like a 'niakc yarn but ran nevertheless he vouched for bv niosr reiirtal'le ey uiinm Eoj su deadly I'vsls to in rea at It a rate 1 daritiii'g Surely in um tanro a nnu il on ml W' nilv xhireil lv lhe and fi Cotnisinv prohibiting certain oi their sttanur from i rtnipHtuu: tn th hipLoatd ariUM mb a voiKeri dance form a ad ng tenure of long wean voy age iiiturdly wi a'p nwted by the offj' er i eni'sl and mmtnunngs dt iort nt aita'iii them are irequentiy anl sivthe Meiliounic The rpt un the diet ie hv engmevr the doctor and purser are not affected bv ti jnw ngtn iiiou only anplie to th tcnd third and junior officers In are l'lbliiiil I'ea wrn tbe pi i iut are a inimolt with pruir table iu the dou o' bitng and ourUvtt to niq rt tu re ted imibbc the staff are rxi to diM'xiage il LiiUivouiM th ''1 nil truvelicrs Ine objot of tLe 1 1 prexiiit ihe officeis toneerueu ir lomiig lx in ilv ir it bavi: been I in nw instances tl it lhe rx nt nut dari con ert acd kindredli'iiiQ wi ronduute to tnct di 1 pline 41 the part of voiuer officers rt ifi iistiiti therein Site rhe retnova! of the Stitmmnre er at wkyird ink and roxqwnt at litt ot iriegriphn i ommuiu tii vt gr'rt ini'iiv uierae Lu beeu exiTricnccd hr the resident that and any nv'tth it Cistim and 1 Lu lt' in tuemixT for the Dstnt t4 Wiro" Lt Isen trying to induceh uiUi ni to eXabueh pb mic cwci ixiii i a with Owen that pLt beneiw it ri than M's kvanl Hu' h'v ivvel a reply from the Minis t' oi Edw inon the effcrx that lie ha iprocd of the osnin a telephoneoiluv a (hoii and that air work will he veiled with witiiout Naturallyth re 'dixrt re 'm with this rwult There wa write our Shpng Reporter an irruption of rnll frv at the semaphore on ed irsiUy ninety youngster of the ronithttel'J PreMiytenun wunitay whool hav ing crene down by the first train tor a pic nic In charge of Mw hwon Super intindriit I BUkc and Ward (be country children tartly revJIi in the sea air and the cvitn witer filling the tiltrv air with their tresh voit and merrx laughter The were treated trip on the briny and re tunwl by the f3 pm train delighted with their experience A Kn SPECIAL LIMES JUST TO HARD NEW SUMMER SUITINGS MELANGES AND TB0USEB1IQ1 SUITS from 30s to 55s TROUSERS from 7s 6d VPkUBL VALVE IS IBICKCT1XQ ASD UMMEB BHIRTS COLLAR AND 8CABA ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES AT IM WMLMTMtT nut Mm0B Mwnn Mwtat Mto ttlMUtM MMMMTMIT SMT ADJaiaAWlS MMm or the wt three day tbe water oi tbe Gulf bare write our Shipping Reporter bees like a sheet of had just enabled ecc KBally by a and the ky ba been like a pewter dtabcover while tbe heat at tbe Semaphore hat ealjr beea tempered in the evening by little puff oi wind Ve ek which have come ap report that it wa hot in the Gulf and three barque have been waiting for breeze to bring them ml At alxnrt 9 o'clock on Wednesday morn ing a call foe the Hindmarsh VotaMeer ire Brigade waa aotmded at tbe South Auw traliau (aa Company' work at Brotapl olid waa promptly responded to Tbe tire men tonn that a Rack of wood at Merare Burford brickyard and a abed adjoining at Ridkyt'i North were hunting Tbeyocn got the fire under Tbe damage considerable The following are rnraenzeni Imoked to leave by tbe 1LMS (hvana which nail to or Mr aud Mr Barr Smith Mm Hawker two children Mix iekf rt Mr and Mm Trudgen A Trudgen A Paton A Urquhart Eickford Jvbnou Mr and Mrs Scott Masters and Srott Mira Jew Scott and two infants Marseilles Mr Blussfeld Mr Arthur Mcrnlda Mr Arthur Bnstowe Secretary at seve ral Western Australian Companies karrs per RMR Oceana to day Kal gnorhe en route to London He will catch tlie MM Polynesian at Albany on the 3th in and arrive in London alut April 22 The will of the late Mr William C'barle Belt of Walkerville Im been lodged for probate The estate is sworn not to exceed the hole of which ia to be divided anumg the relatives oi the deceased Tlie Minister of Agriculture Hou Builcr has jminteil Mr A Wtlby to 1 Matron of tiie Agricultural CoUege Ruw worthy Under the auspice of the Irish National ederation a coi ir wili take place at the Se'jf irne Hotel to night St atru k's e'e tovelebratn Ireland's national festival Mr Glynn KA LLB MP will preside and Archbibp O'Reily has been entrusted with the toast of the evening I tar We Celebrate" Tbe Chief Sec retary Hon O'Lnghlin MLC will give "Irelind a Nation" tn which the elo quent ather John will respond tralia" wilt aLo he toasted Au excellent musical tTogramnie ha been arranged Mi Lilian Editor who visited Adelaide about title months ago and delivered kc tiiri on theosorhy i again tn this city and dunng her star will gtve three lecture in the Rchibi'e Hall The fir of theren riday 17th will le on Necewtv Religion" siniv lir lv virit Ade laide Mi Edger ha passed a year in IioLa and during tint time hd tb: great adian of spending several moutli with Mr Im ant In tle list pulili 'icl in Register'' Tuesday of lhe prize gained by stu dent of the Agricultural College Rn worthy we omitted to mentum that th gold and sd'er ruedals for the first andeii nd tujrtit* of year were awarded by Mr 1 Anji who bas made Mmilar aivirds ever sHice tLc lUveptum of the stitution have received irom Mr Muel ler a specimen of rne of bi new poet cards which will he nefo wned by tbe pub lic rri the face is pn rentid a wcll xe cu cl picture a group of native This i the rt rii'l which would be suit able f'r nding to England an 1 other far off phr viu ie on ha friend Intending student for the ConMrv tonitin Mrt tngiitg lasses are tidirmed th at Mi Hack will uuet hr Miidcnt at the Con rvatorium nest Monday after noon and that Mr Itevan will meet his CM Tuesday evening Man 21 Mr Bulk ha rc ouiinrulei RA and li S'x iiiv io give then 'rlifi ale oi mint i Mi I rage tor tin wish itig marhine he exhibited at the March show and hi other manutai ture All opie for whom tin inoMpnto suenis tn have a lA should feel indeb ted to Mr II Birk nunuiicturing 'beiui't Knmlle street for having pro duced an rticle tlut effectually vanis'ue One of Birks' nios'i'iito cone i burnt in th room jut about retiring time and in a verv few minute the i'line turly drive out even tnosqud" euauliug sleeper to enjnv tie night's rect Mr Birk specially luentinn the tail that these tiiim are perfectly hinnies nh'cb is cer tainly an important consideration Seeing thrt oms vst only tid aad 1 per box there lew no reaon whatever vby ary "lie should he stung disfigure I or made tnierd le by the hitherto (tittnip bant nuwquitn N7jthslU3zc otio 3 Hiix th Senn medital ciair fovant ta coatalted at Botanic Hotel North terrare A Haid on Monday aid Tussdiy the 17th and lth 4 April Br' ksn Hill WednMday ti Vlh nil Monday Evniiig tne April Mris Allans herl al tnatmrat Patient at a dw tarn ai 'Hasn reii ndins a Imk ot bair cut rival tlie Vo "th perain but patwil mwt touch the hair vrect diagnosta kuaranirnL fee )0s fd Qm ft Hux Eait Mill unie Mont men ire keen on dealing direct with the IsHtixn unikit iva Birk Co haveirtd direct from tbe lei ot England' boeury niatiitd turers a heavy ua of Grin' llil h' tn Mnni Caahmcrc aud Knitted Good 1 here have opened up Hil'tididly and carin no middle profit uk value NtiBe is aakug tor Bliuer Natural Sodawater because it is net artificial da containing vitriol but is pure natural irisp and spackling Itactor pnfr rbe tt tie Adelaide ll'Mpttal tue no ot ier it wuu first Uni Adeimdc hw and 1 a obtainable at all the ieauutg Hotel and Mi rchanta Nttoc Electroplating in all im brarnhe iindud jig bpoon orks Crueto and other Table "are I te fir iron Ib't'lue A i Manutacturera and Importer Li twicr place Adelaide N(5tbscr "Garden aud for Mareh iluw to l'll uht a watermelon i rje: simple way 10 heit greetifiou: ureiui devicr thus trated the cumiit Ann lw A good sixrctMeworth b'Uth 'io get be the rewing I a ii'e mce: mo iter and can be par liaiy awith by the buy' cfoihes ready made t'ha Birk I i Lae i' rtl hundred pan ot Boy' Knickers riadr irom tilnttg reiunjut rviii'h niotlx wdi find re enonu al iwiung up the material themrelrcg Nttic t'l PAU EXtGfulyTS A inwtwr i ra i sgsy' a I'y reni 1 rdeaa s' nirx 'lwlc 'liffi Un Vlert'i 4 nut I Uro en lJTrcte Troiwt' ro "INtiv' Irish Aifjoiul Pciferatioe Thratrr ro LARGE TINS SARDINES CttOICB Kimskb HttBHIXGS (Milana) 7ii tie Hk I cU Mw MAttntXE tie AikKC4 4LMUV7iL til CHOICE SEW tiitlI'll 4 Ib CHoI' Ih BK M'HP KT LOWSIEK i ti GOOD TUN4TU SAL CS ijk Kxtle McBosm ft co THE LEADING GROCERS RVXDLU MREET Etaahiitoetf erar tmy wsyMa itottten PRIZE Stootti AamraiiM CLARET A Purely Nature! Wine of low alcoholic strength and free from any added spirit rtSltteCM ARTISTIC OESICXS JUSt lit jtitully treatrt in tVHXN tbe wto ENGLISH and BEML'H COLOCtlHg Ca be mu our SteavraaM toramtont (to Ctoietom MHmfflt tt BERNERS STBEET lELBiWRNE nd BB rUXBUHT GEOBU ffTUZT AKLVH IT5G wnjjsw nyB men mwtb mmae rweto wMarsteMr a ea mtab.

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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.