The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

Tn' I tr. ,1 'nir. i mn i Frem I (; THANna To George Ellis, bookseller and 'Statioeervltor Old Levee street, opposite the Port Office, for the.New York. Mexwft? a Ne York sensation paper "Tha Laat, Harper's 8ireet Smith's literary. Album," and Wavertey Uaffaxiae," Boston, May 16.

To Cora wall At Zmtl, eottoa brok.ra. Ko. 134 Peart tract. )w York, fop their circular of May 1. To W.

O. P. BriocklOT. Philadelphia, for "The Gardener To nr. iwt Broughton, clerk of the steamer Belle Lee, for esteemed attoothros.

To the clerk of the steamy Frances lor Mobile papers. are Indebted to Masters X. F. Salomon, B. C.

Shields, C. B. Wilkinson, A. RideM and 8. More, eommittee on the part the popha of the Boys Ceatral High School of for.

an Invitation to attend a picnic, to be gives by the school at City Park, on Satorday, day after to morrow the 9th tost Headquarters Circular. We are in receipt oft circular leaned by Gen. Buchanan, under date of May 4th, 1808, fixing the rates of compensation for clerks in the Quartermaster Department for the Fifth Military District, with instructions regarding the employment of the tame. Fob New York On Saturday. Travelers northward, by eea, should make a note of the fact that the elegant, fast sailing and favorite ocean steamship George Washington, under the command of that distinguished sailor, Capt.

V. Uager, and with that courteous gentleman, Mr. Allen, as purser, will leave for New York, direct, on Saturday evening next. May 9, at 5 oeoek, from her wharf, at the foot of Toulouse street Theagent of the George 'Washington is Mr. Alfred Moulton, 41 Caron delet street.

By Telegraph. LocisvnXK.May 6. To Sinnott Adams: Leave here to night. Jko. F.

Roberts; Clerk of steamer R. E. Lee. Batox Rouge, May 7. To Sinnott dt Adautat Stamr National will leave this evening, at 6 o'clock.

R. Sinnott, Master. We are indebted to the publisher, Jas. B. Kodaera, Philadelphia, for a copy of the Valedictory Address to the Graduating Class of the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania at the 16th Annual Commencement, March 14, 1868," delivered by Emeline H.

Cleveland, M. D. Also for the Nineteenth Annual Announcement of the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania, for 18C8 PlCNIO AT JEFFERSON Ctttj The St Henry's Benevolent Association of Jefferson City are to give a grand picnic at the Dela chaise Groonda, at the intersection of St Charles street and Louisiana Avenue, for the benefit of the association, on Sunday and Monday next, May 10 and 11. We are in debted to the association for tickets of in vita tion. i ii i ii The Paris Exposition.

We are indebted to the courtesy of Edward Gotthiel, Chief of the Louisiana Commission, for a pamphlet containing the catalogue of awards to American exhibitors at the late Paris Universal Exposition. Among the awards is a silver medal to the Commissioner himself for services rendered to agriculture in Louisiana. It will be remembered that our Paris correspondent states that Mr. Gotthiel was the only Commissioner thus distinguished. The pamphlet is printed at the Government printing office, Washington, and is distributed through the Department of State.

Tltt Evtav Pnxmerj. The sentence in the case of the gentlemen ef Eutaw, lately tried by military commission for an assault upon carpet bagger, has been made public The sentence consigns all aave one to imprisonment at the Dry Tortaga for one year, the excepted gentleman being favored with' five years' Incarceration. The prisoners are among ths most influential and respectable citizens of Greene county, several of them being heads of families. We subjoin the names of the gentlemen. Mr.

Petti grew ia tbe party to whom waa allotted a greater term of suffering than his lellows: Saml. W. Donlap, Thomas W.Boharts, Frank P. Mundav, Wm. Petti grew, Hugh L.

White, JohnCallan, Dr.W. JPearce, Kialer, as. Steele, Strayhorn. i ii ii i Personal. Our old friend Ben DeBar is about erecting a new and elegant theatre in St Louis.

Fannie 8cranton. a Chicago heiress, has eloped with a jeweler. Elder John Gilbert, of Kentucky, has just died, aged one hundred and eleven years. Senator Grimes, of Iowa, has given $10,000 for a public library in Burlington. Another Washburne is coming to Congress.

This one is a Minneaotan, and a brother ol the three others. Frederick Douglass has been elected to deliver the next annual address before the students of the Indiana State University. John Morrissey, M. writes from Hot Springs, that he is rapidly recovering his health, and baa not been so well in thirteen years as at the present time. Ferdinand de Lessens, the projector of the Sues canal (and a cousin, as is not generally known, of the Empress Eugenie,) is now in Paris, and predicts that that enterprise will be finished, and the canal open for the passage of skips from the Caspian to the Red Sea, in October, 1869.

Col. John F. HunteT died at his residence in Pendleton village, South Carolina, on the 11th nit, after a short illness. He distinguished himself greatly in the war with Mexico, and for bis gallant services at Cerro Gordo was presented by Congress with a fine sword. The New Dominion Parliament has voted a yearly allowance of $1200 to Mrs.

McGee, and a lump sum of $4000 to each of her daughters, to be invested in Dominion stock until they come of age. A good deal of indignation is expressed that the amount is so small. The Empress Carlota, of Mexico, now take daily rides in Brussels, seated hi an open carriage, driven by the Queen, saluting with graceful but sad smiles the people whose Adol ahe is and always has been from her childhood. The Empress is looking very pale, and is dressed in deep mourning. The attention paid to her by the Queen is beyond all praise A Colored" Skhatob Shtjbbed.

A rentleman of high standing sends the fol owing from Columbia to the Charleston Mercury: A few days ago, after Nash had ascertained to his satisfaction that he waa elected to the Senate, be called, upon Maior Andrews, the Commandant of the Post, to pay his compliments. On entering the room where the Major was seated, he giving the time of day, when the Major enjoined: Who are yon, and what do you wish He replied i My name is Nash, sir." Well" says tbe Major, what of that 1" Oh, air," said he, lam Beverly Naah, Senator elect to the State Legislature of 8onth Carolina, and have called upon yon officially to pay my compliment as The Major abruptly replied WeU, sir, I neUKer owe to, nor rt 'rem eomplvmaU from But," says iupr, I mm eolortd The Major brought the whole natter to a apeedy and final eloae by say ing i Toy, art a ntgro, titi mndas black a cm I ever sow. I recognise bat three races, and these are whites, Indians and negroes." A gentleman visiting a neighbor, found him disabled from having a horse step on his loot. Hobblma' out of the stable, the sufferer explained now it happened i "I was standing hare." said he. and the bone brought "bis toot right down on mine." Our friend looked at tie injured member, which was the Ko.

14 patten, and said vary quietly i "Wall, the horse mnat step t3T Charles Dieksns's expenses I America were and bis net profit $100,000 in gold. He carried off three Urge packing cases full of all sorts of preeente. LETTER rK0HT7iSHtNGT0ir: Special Correspondence of the Fleatnae. 1 WsmsGTON, May 2, 1863. Mr.

McCuHoch entertains serious fears of the financial future, and is not slow to so express himself. During tbe present month he will have heavy payments to meet, and these will tell roundly upon the debt when his next statement (that for May) is made public. itl i ii i ii xam kb wiu iwi up sevarai minions, and each succeeding statement may be expected to show a continued increase. This is not a pleasing prospect, and it annoys the Treasury exceedingly It is all, however, the result of the insane legislation of Congress, which, to serve personal and party ends, has seen fit to so razee the taxes, that the revenue is found to fall below the expenses. The whiskey tax, too, through the manoeuvres of the all powerful ring" which controls it, is so swallowed up by the cormorants, that not one tenth of the amount doa the Government finds its way into the coffers.

on had an exnose of this in Mr. McCul loch's letter to tbe House, this week, wherein he showed that the Treasury was being robbed this year, by default in the whiskey collections, out of over thirty six millions of dollars. This, however, is a mere bagatelle of the amount that is actually being made wav with. It its only the deficit in Commissioner Welles's estimate," which was far below the sum that should rightfully be received from the tax. Last year, it was supposed the Government was swindled out of one hundred millions in the collection of this tax and it will, no doubt, be swindled out of as heavy an amount this year.

Commissioner Welles, however, put down in his estimate only a very moderate amount for tbe year say, fifty millions, which sum he felt confident would be paid into the Treasury, whereas, the payments thus far are only on an average of twelve millions for the year I What a startling instance of corruption in one item, yet, though it is the. worst, the same system of stealing is being pursued in nearly every taxable article Is it any wonder the Secretary is alarmed for the future, or that the debt threatens to climb mountains high But what's to be done Why, the taxes that have been nniustly taken off, will have to be laid on again, or else we must still a borrower be. How will this latter be received by the people 7 Howwill it look to foreign nations wbo hold so heavy an amount of our debt What, the United States at and its debt increasing Surely such an announcement will invite alarm, and, of course, tend to hasten what every shrewd observer feels and knows is inevitable. It is reported that the Treasury has declined the proposition of some foreign capitalists to take the remainder of the 10 40 loan (some $6,000,000) at a fraction under market rates. These bonds are, of course, being bid for in anticipation of trouble should impeachment prevail and tbe ciovency bonds be repudiated, or rather paid in paper, which the best thinking foreigners believe thev will be if the revolutionists get into the White House and the Treasury.

Richmond. Judge Black's Letter to the President KEASOKS FOB WITHDRAWING FROM THE DEFENCE. Tbe following is the letter from Judge Black to President Johnson, announcing his withdrawal from the defence, in the impeachment trial, and bis reasons therefor Mr. Ittident Your determination to determine nothing for the relief of the owners of Alta Vela makes it impossible for me to serve vou 4onger as counsel in the impeach ment case. They cannot allow their rights to be tritied vritb, and I cannot vise them to submit in silence to the outrage perpetrated upon tbem.

They must seek elsewhere for the justice you deny them. I am sure you will admit that I have never urged this upon your attention until you had a full opportunity of examining it nor asked you for a decision until yon expressed the opinion that the title was just and legaL Mr. Seward little finger, it appears, is thicker than the loins of the law. He and ths thieves whose interests be has guarded so faithfully are welcome to the short lived victory they have won. My retirement from your case will not probably diminish the chances of its Buccess.

When yon first expressed the desire that I should be one of your counsel, I gave some reasons why it might be better for you that I should hot consent Udou Messrs. Curtis and Stanbery these considerations had some weight, but you overruled them without hesitation. If you will reflect upon them again, yon will probably see that you have no reason to re net my present decision to retire. Bat to me it is a cause of sincere grief that I can not aid in tbe struggle you are making for trntb, justice and the cbnstitutiou of your ccr.ntry. I do most devoutly believe that the new accusation against you by the House of Representatives is unfounded in fact and law, and that your defence must be regarded as conducive by every impartial mind.

I know it will be presented with consummate ability. I bope you see plainly that I have adopted the only possible mode of relieving myself from tbe embarrassments and complicating which would be wholly undeniable if I did not get rid of them in some way. Yours, J. S. Brcs.

Washington, March 1 1S6S. Fonnntlon ef New military Departments. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. Washington, May 3. On the of April the President sent to the Senate the following message, relative to the formation of new military departments To the Senate of the United States: In compliance with tbe resolution of the Senate, of the 28th ult, requesting information as to the number ana designations of military departments formed since the 1st day of August, 1867, and as to the statute or other authority under which they have been established, I transmit a report from the Adjutant General's oifice, showing the organization, since that date, of the Department of Almk and tbe Military Division of the Atlantic.

The orders issued by me upon this subject are in accordance with long established usage and with unquestioned authority. This will be readily seen from the accompanying report, which shows that, employing the authority vested by the constitution in the President, as Commander in Chief of the Army, it has been customary for my predecessors to create such military divisions and departments as from ume to time they deemed advisable. Andrew Johnson. WaHlBgton, D. C.

April 22, 1868. 17 One billion two hundred and sixty mil lion pounds of ice have been stored by only nve or tne Aew lor a city ice com Dames. nearly two thirds of it by the Old Kinderhook Company alone. Allowing for the customarv wastage, the New Yorkers will pay this year one ana a nan million ao liars to jceep cool. BP A young Indian girl, who had curiously watched the process of marking oarrei needs in a nounng mm in Winona, stole in one day and, taking posses sion of the stencils, ornamented her blanket with the words, Ellsworth's Choice," and paraded the streets in great delight, but to tne august or Mr.

Ellsworth, who is a bachelor and has made no such choice. Enotndxlurtt for' the Month of A rril. War rants issued by the Treasury Department during April last to meet the requirements of tne government, civil, miscellaneous ana foreign intercourse, interest on pub lie debt, warrants, Navy, Interior, pensions and In dians. $1,831,000: total. $18,011,000.

The i i aoove noes not inciuoe warrants issuea ior tbe redemption of public debt Receipts from customs will come within $3,000,000 of the expenditures, and. as a consequence, there will be a heavy reduction of public debt dnr ing April, to wit: the entire from internal revenue and all other sources, less tns rrom customs. As a worthy divine and a broad thinx ins doctor were dissenting about the Essays and some doubu were raised whether Eve was formed from a bone, when a vnoetieal lady remarked Well, if Eve was so formed, must have been from the bone ot contention Crop Propect. The Union parish Record, of May 2, lays The month of April was cool, etoudy and gloomy throughout, with several light froatsis the first of the month, but with very little injury to vegetation. The fruit trees are loaded with a heavy crop, and the only drawback to its perfection is its abundance, and our people have not arrived at that care in fruit growing to take the trouble to thrash off the superabundance in order to have a delicious article.

The corn crop is promising and looks well, and nteds now warm, clear weather to bring it forth rapidly. Cotton is generally planted, and we hear of a few crops with three or four leaves. The editor of the Carroll (La) Record, who has lately been on a visit to the Mississippi county of Issaquena, found all in tine spirits and confident of waking something this year. He noticed some magnificent crops of corn, potatoes, oats, and cotton, and was informed that all through the county the crops were fine and quite forward. The Natchitoches Times says: The late rains have had a bad effect upon the plantations.

The grass is growing too fast and the young cotton plant Is suffering, in some Instances cotton is to be replanted. The corn has tbe prominent share of the crops and looks beautiful. The Monroe Telegraph, of the 29th says tbe present spring has been altogether very favorable for planting, but owing to a prevailing dampness in the atmosphere and cluudy weather, with rather too much rain, vegetation (has made very slow progress. Corn comes up and stands without any perceptible growth for several days. Cotton does about the saiua way, and will have to run the risk of being' eaten by lice beside, which, on account of protracted cloudy and cool weather, is a contingency most certain to arise.

Louisiana. The lessees of the Penitentiary are wisely employing them in building levees. They have contracted to rebuild all the broken levees in the north part of West Baton Rouge. The Bossier Banner comes out in mourning for the adoption of the constitution, but the Farmervilie Record says now 's the time to get in a left hander by making Louisiana contribute to the election of a Democratic President, and away, then, will go the mongrel constitution. Only two white men voted the Radical ticket in Bossier, the rest, if any, of the white Radicala went to make up the 138 white votes not cast.

In a street tight, on the 30th ult at Opelou saa, Owen Porret was killed by Chas. Gordon. The Randolph Co. We learn by the Mobile papers that Mr. Ryland Randolph, of the Tuscaloosa Monitor, under military arrest, will be brought before JudVe BuaUje at Montgomery, in pursuance of a writ of habeas corpus, on the 14th inst.

THE CITT. The Wbather. The bright, beautiful weather this morning is in perfect keeping with the season. A slight fall of rain last night has purified' tbe atmosphere, and given to it a cool, refreshing influence indescribably charming. The mercury at o'clock was at 70 with no perceptible advance sines then.

Burglary. About 3 o'clock last night the boarding house No. TXi St Charles street was entered by unknown burglars, who took from Air. lioyd, one ot tbe boarders, a gold watch and chain, and a quantity of wearing apparel. No clue was left by which to trace them.

A' Dead Bodt Infanticide. This morning about 3 o'clock Corporal Brady discovered a dead infant child, concealed in a small paste board box, in a vacant lot owned by John Sul livan, on Enphrosine, between Willow and Claiborne streets. It had evidently been placed there by some one interested in concealing its parentage and identity. It had the appearance of being dead but a short time, but bore no marks of violence. Tbe Coroner baa been notified, and will hold au inquest today.

Fire Last Night. About a o'clock this morning a tire broke out the one story frame building on tbe corner of Canal and Dupre streets, occupied by Mrs. Louisa Raster as a grocery store, and owned by Mr. Gernon. Tbe flames spread rapidly, and before they could be subdued oonsumed the building.

It is not known to what extent it was insured, nor the cause of the fire. Subject to Suspicion. A male and female, who gave their names as Robert Robin eon and Mary Williams, were found en the premises No. 12 Union street, last night, by Officer Mahoney, under circ*mstances that justified the suspicion tbat they were there to commit a robbery. They were taken to the central station, and will put in au appearance to day.

IxsANrrT. A man by the name of John Finney was arrested last night by Officer Donovan, on Dryades street, charged by Jane mney witb being insane. He will probably be sent to the asylum. Charged with Larceny. Robert Law son is accused by Paul Devareaux with the crime of larcenv.

Officer Donovan took him into custody by virtne of a warrant from the Recorder's Court The circ*mstances of the transaction strongly indicate Mr. Lawson's gnilt, and unless he can afford an adequate explanation he will doubtless incur the penalty of guilt. Another Bcrolart. The house of Mrs. Caroline Singer, on the corner of Annunciation and Third streets, was entered by thieves yesterday, between the vhouxs of 12 and 1 o'clock, during the temporary absence ot the tamny, and a lot ot valuable jewejry earned away.

No clue was obtained to toe thieves. Charged with Emuezzlemetst. Yester day a man by the name of James Ebel was arrested by Officer Rutii. on a warrant from the Court, charged by Liouis Uhapman with embezzlement and breach of trust. None of the facta connected with the case are yet made known.

It is probable, however, that an investigation will be had to day. False Pretences. George W. Lash was arrested at the Pontchartrain Railroad Depot by Officer tjarnange, on a warrant from the Recorder's Court, charged by W. W.

McCnl lougn with obtaining goods under laiae pre tences. He was taken to the Second District station. A Suspected Robber Arrested. as. B.

Lee was arrested last night by Officers Malone and Dorsey, on St Charles street, on suspicion of being concerned in the robbery of Tbeo. Danziger eon, on uanai street. He will have an examination soon. Charged with Robbery. It is allowed by Henderson Wilkes! that he was robbed in the domicil of Sarah Davis on Burgundy street, of a small sum of money while making a visit to that interesting female.

The particulars of the transaction will doubtless be disclosed in the examination to day. Attempt to Kiix. Yesterday Officer Whitly arrested a man named Peter Guvais, atMilneburg, charged by David Dunlapwith attempting to snoot mm wnn a piBioi. neu the officer interfered, the man turned fiercely upon him, and displayed a most savage dispo sition, xi waa Turj bjuui umrei uio uwu ence of whiskey. A Larcent.

Mrs. Gustave Beanin is ac cused by A. Ferriet with larceny. Officer Mayunce took the lady into custody on a warrant from the Recorder's Court She will make an explanation to day in the Third Keeerder Neville's fJenrt. William Whitley, arraigned on a charge of disturbing the peace, was discharged and the case dismissed.

The same disposition was made of the ease of H. Raischide, arrested on a charge of similar character. Lizzie Wilson was accused of acting very, naughtily, but in consideration of brilliant promises for the future, she was suffered to go in peace. ames Scott, arraigned on a charge of larceny, was consigned to a period of ten days' retirement in the Pariah Prison. Antone Armond, accused of a similar transgression, was sent to the same institution for thirty days.

Richard Bell waa unfortunate in having a bad reputation. He Is said to have pilfered and goes downfor ninety days. James Smtth outraged ths provisions of ordinance 558, and was emerced therefor, in a small fine. Minor offences as usuaL Treatment ef. jOF 1KB Ailen Mute Aja.stiong It miss Bulow miss Barton miss Brown A mrs Beach A mia Blocker A mrs Blanc 8 mis Bert on mrs Bert in widow Burcher Bmma Crsgg A miss handler A miss arey A Carlin atari mrs Coaiston i Orviss A mrs DiMUH THROAT AND LUNGS.

BT MEDICATED INHALATION, BT Dr. JaS. A. HUNTER. To the Editors of the Hew Orleans Picayune: I beg to lay before your readers a few complimentary cards from well known residents of this city, as evidence of the success of my treatment for diseases of the Nose, Throat, Lungs and Heart.

as. A. Hunter, M. Ko. 180 Canal street From Capt.

J. C. Shipley, General Acent of the Globe Mutual late leauraace Company. successful treatment of asthma. I cheerfully add my testimony to that of those who have publicly expressed their high appreciation of Dr.

Hunter a skill and grati tude for the benefit they received from his treatment. During the late war I made the acquaiu tance of two gentlemen who had been radi cully cured of Asthma by his treatment, and was induced thereby to place myself under his care. During my attendance at his office I met many of his patients, who spoke in the highest terms of his skill and success, and can fully indorse the card published by Mrs. Heart a few days since in regard to the truly extraordinary results of his treatment of her niece, who was apparently far advanced in Consumption. I believe these facts should be known where there are so many suffering from these dreadful diseases, and in subscribing to them I believe I am rendering a just tribute to a physician whose Qualifications render him worthy the confidence of those who are Buffering from diseases of the lungs, and confidently advise all such to submit themselves to his treatment J.

C. Shipley. Snccessfnl Treatment el Ceasamptloe by Medicated Inhalations, A COMPLIMENTARY CARD TO DR. HUNTER, FROM A RESIDENT OF HEW ORLEANS. I consider it a duty I owe to the many in this community who are Buffering from that dreadful scourge consumption, to make this statement of the extraordinary results of Dr.

Hunter's treatment of my niece, who was lufl'ering from all the distressing symptoms of advanced disease of the lungs when I placed her under his care last June. The cough, hectic fever, night sweats, and bleeding from the lungs, have entirely subsided, and she has increased much in weight and acquired an appearance of health she has not worn for years before. Having experienced such happy results from a method of treatment which I consider has, through the blessing of God, preserved her from tbe brink of the grave, I cheerfully recommend it to the suffering, believing it is the only means by which diseases of the lungs can be successfully treated. Mrs. A.

E. Heart, 53 Felicity street Complimentary te Dr. Ilanter. CARD FROM Alt OLD CITIZEN. The following from an old citizen and well merchant of this city, is highly complimentary to Dr.

Hunter New Orleans, Dec. 10, 1367. I take pleasure in stating I have been under Dr. James A. Hunter's care for disease of the throat and lnngs, and derived great and permanent benefit, from his treatment by Inhalation.

I consider his system of treating these diseases eminently scientific, and can confidently recommend Dr. Hunter as a physician of skill and ability, and worthy the confidence of those who may require his professional services for diseases of the throat and lungs. N. Burke, No. 397 Dryades street.

LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING in the Post Offloe at New Orleans, and uncalled for the 'tb ot My, 136S. Reported Dally far the Pica. ran. In order to make tbe List of Letters as eorreet as possible. Ladies and Gentlemen taking letters ttcv.

tbe Post OSoe are requested to erase their from tbe List. LADIKM' LIST. Davis LW miss Dillingham mrs Duvall Bosslie Duncan Molly Dirkerson VI miss Dobbins i uits Fdraonston mrs BUls mrs Fallon mrs Flynn Mary Francht mrs Griswold A mrs Green miss Godwin mrs Garry mrs Grant A mrs Giiender.A mrs Hudson Bt miss Hughes miss Heagon miss Byer mrs Humble Margt Herriek dr mrs Inneraritv mrs Johnson mrs Kerel mrs Killmartln mrs Eeane Blien Kerr A mrs Kemch Mary Louis Mary mrs Lor Ice miss Leid Amiss Lenton mrs Lucas mme Moore mrs Mue ABA mrs Mauney Mary miss Mason mias MandenbergC coPd Mongollo A mrs Mai ion Emma miss MeLanghUa Rebeeea UcKessack Mary Nugent mrs Newman Mary miss Payne BT mrs Peterson Bog miss Phillips Bather miss Peierson miss Powchet miss Bockcrcol mrs Ringbolt mre Riley mrs Beffo Jennie miss Fheerer Vary mrs Sparks mrs Seward mrs BhuteB Mmiss Aid worth miss Boyd mrs Burbank 4 mrs Bell mrs BnrdttS mrs Boey A miss Brnlsmade mrs Blake Bridget Boyd mrs Barton mrs Caiton Mary Cooper mrs Conver Mary miss Carr Julia mrs Covington A mrs Ie Rnsser 0 mrs Dayhoff Kate Duvail Rose miss Delerno airs Duncan mrs Elliott mrs Pink mrs Fredrick son mme Groves Mary mrs Garrison miss Glenwvre miss Garllek Mary mrs Gibney mrs II Henderson Fannie Hopkins mrs Hankeraon A mrs Bieks mrs Hardy mlas Hsynie mrs I Jackson mrs Jett mrs K. Kaine Mary mias Kelly mrs Kelly mrs Klein Charlotte Lazarns mrs LuaanO mrs Liaan mrs Latimer mrs on Maltby mrs Moore Addle atrs MaymaJBmrs Mead mias. ool'd Murphy Elian auuvey aate Mar bat mrs Banes McCarthy Ellen Sswton mrs, Binth at Odell Anna Pairs Perkins Susan p*rnton mr Phillips Julia miss Pieree OT au Pattiaon Sarah Re yn elds mrs Rodlck mrs Bobarteoa Mary Shannon Mary I BaUl van Margt Strath le laabeOa Bimpaon Jennie Ehermt.

HarylC Bvkl 4 aire BhiDard A mias Smith Tmia Smith Maria bus Taj lor I mrs Van Buren Amanda Willis miss waih mrs Wolly 8 a. miss White mrs Whitehead mrs Warwick miss Wilooz mrs Wlker Alios Williams mrs, Piety st Pick Peter iTake DunvK i Dve Dixon 8 Evans Franc's Bmmerrille Baatman dr Elder Joe FlTzpatrick Farmer Frank Wm Friabie GilfoU Glynne And (ililen Jolm Ulbbln til )o 8 Uunther Bred Hogan HartBL Bobby dr Holland Jno Hood Jobs Htlbrook Jacob Hearaey Bull Wni How FY Bof(aett ()o Betherton Irwin Ingle Johnson Killlan Martin Kirs John Kidd Thoa Ring fcco lewis Lottman Ljon Harry MofTatt A stiles Win Moore rank sljeia Benry Mangold Mooie Nugent Nenel Edw Sicbol O'Ronrke Pat'k Owen A Phelps Jas Phillips Ike PettmriU A Tratt ring le Robt Pivor Geo Potter i A capt I Quitman Quaid 8 Russell Rlertk Jas A RrdStck Rilley Jas Stevens Sbsrplee Jno Stokes has hmiih A pproult A Mull Charley bur ners Sn iih him Jas Sampson kco bher.dan A Ts lu Turner Tavkr Gilbert Taylor 4c vr Allen Paul Whtelwiiiht Wall Wbeelrn Jno Wlae Geo Work A col Waid JT Wren Will Walker John Tales Teatman Wm ReymouT astss Kaytoek sQanle" rmiia a sars stltk sarw SUdOa st Bmlta JaUaaaataa Thornton 1" atlas virxia Kate mr Walsh Ioalae Woolaey miss Wait Vbbts Weaver miss Wetks CTsais Wood Isabella mre Wlf and mrs Weaver Louisa Young Rebecca miss lnltleJe. Orphan's Home, Seventh Visa I (fa 8 CKNTUK DUCK'S LIST. Alexander 8 Alwos Cbaa Allison John Bright Bradley Bartlett A Badger Brown Brothro Bradley Baaley Jos Byrne fcco Chapman 8 Cool; Cook capt Chaae A Crane Clay Henry Cameron Carver Aoo Cunia Csrtln 1 Coy etch AUea Beary asbley 8 Andreas Fsf Benson Robt Barton i Boyd Allan Barrett Brinkley Thos Burt A Bakewell son Bigger Jas BUckett Carter Wm Ooie A Ooibura Thee Cos hey BH Oottam Henry Cook Monsieur Ciark Tom Canbv Farrru Mike Finch 4 Foils Fletcher Goddard 8 8 Gilbert Graham Greaves Greenly Wm Horrell Thos Hastings Js Heweu Howard Maiding Hawthorn mx Harrison mi Howell Wm Bntchlnas ft Hooker Frank I Jones Johnson Jackson Chas Norton North Norton Patrick O'Hanlon Jas Price Pratt A eapat Potter Penfield Anderson 8 A Ambrosi Johnson Aaeock no BallHH Bun A Babbitt 8 Butcher Barkadale 0 Bm man A Brott Geo Bower Corprew Wilson Collins Cozzens Wm Cool Wm COOl Dueey Dunham Pawes Donnelly DrlseoIlEugene mdon 8 Elkins Eastman Chase WH Corchoraa Humming Willie Cnmmisgs John Coney SB Congnlaa Bart OnnninghamWH Chambers Carpenter A Davis Jas Iaily Thos Deanett Deitnney Jas FDgle Rdmonsten Jas 4ftiuibey Uj Frelaon, Steven. son aco Fry Smith Gardiner Tapt George Ooulocy A Gray Huruian Gray Robt Harrison kt HKgadora Jas Henneasy St Hall Martin Herring BenJ Harriaon Herwig Casey HealyT) Herrshell Wm Henneasy Jno Jerly It Jaatram Jounton K.

Kevenaugh Reams Ktllogc Rrauas a Kixby Kelly John LowTy A Leonard LAconrarettisonLewU Oglesby Lawyer in Monagban If Morton Manning Mead MurryJas Mojiaa Mick MuiicatterC Mists Mouiit BImce McOloin Huge McKlnsie A McLaughlin MoOombe Wm McfeilAlex McKay ma) UcCulough WJ McguairJaaC gen MoCoaid I) MclliathTP Pinchbeck PBS Philhpafloreoe rneat as a rotter Unas Quinn Jas It Ross mr Redmond Jno Rellly Jno Ryan A Richardson JSG Rickey Roberts Smith Williamson Shaw Richard Hmalley Seward A Shelly SalphCMcR Seward Sears rev Sbeehv Edw Hie wart Turner "umpter Thayer Alfred Tavlor Taylor Wm Thayer Teller Robt Walsh Wat kins Jas Warden Geo Walter Jno A Weseoat Wetrup iEum ciell Wing 8 Wbiwker hi taker Toung John Long Mulrahy Mick Mathews Murray Mitchel 8 Mat bison A Wan Ing an 8 Mitchell McLean QP Mc Knight maftj Molntoah Rf McOleUan a Col Novas 8 Noble Jno OrtonB Pitneld A Pitkina it Putnam cajpt rercy uaroio Qullter Thos Reynolds Jas Randolph fieverow Wm Ribe has Robinon Hy Schinottl Sikkron 8 Strong Chas Smith Tiltord Smith Hiram Smith John Shank Stuart A dr Suming bheidoa Thomas Joseph Trunnell Jno Tiller Tho iisMon Wehathan wiieox Walter White dr Wilson John WUlett ico Wire DG Wood worth Woods Welch Tanington Initials Brother Austin. St Vincent Planters' Hotel. of the South. Young Men's CbrUtlsn National Publishing No. 3 Csrondelet F.

JOS. P. COULON, Hncceesor Price Canlen, PLUMBER No. 186 CAMP STBBKT, Agent for MOTTS DEFIANCE COOKI5Q BANGBS. mr; Thii.Su s30 PARIS.

Af PETIT ST. THOMAS, Hue dn Bsc, 37, 39, 31 33, 33. Hue de 1'rjnlverelte 33. This bouse, established upwards of SO years, is universally known and famed as one of the first establishments In Paris, In which thorough confidence may be placed. In its immense premises, which all Sarelgnaiafchould visit will be found the moat complete assortments Of BILKS, First Novelties.

Iadla and French CASHIMBRB 8HAWX8, WOOLENS, LACK, LINGERIE, Ready Made Articles for ladies, mantled cloaks, FURS, COTTON AND THREAD STUFFS, GLOVR8, RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS, CARPETS. ARTICLES OF FURNITURE, WaX DING OUTFITS. English Assistant. Fixed Prloa, mhI9 ap4 13 my 16 30 Advartlalng Agent for the Picayune. TXXAat D.

BICHARDSON, ef Austin, out General Traveling Agent te Tax; he la duly authorised to receive Subscription and contract ta Advert sing, and receipt for ths sam. BBW YORK S. M. PXTTB5BILL CO. 37 Park Row JOT, COB OO.

Trlbun Buildings i PEAS LEE Na 7 Beeksen street, New Tork; T. a FABXK5XR, 46 fin street H. BtTBIOUB SCHXXJ. Jx 8S PuBjon streeti WM. J.

CARLTON, ipt Broadway JOHB HOOPIR, 41 Park Bow, Tdmaaf Buildings; GEO. P. BO WILL 40 Park Bev, Bew Terk. BO6T0H 8. SL PirnNGILL I State street.

PHILADEXPHIA OOI, WKTHIRILL Ledger Buuoing. J. BBXJ. CHAJTDLXB, Lonlsiana and XIssUsipvLj L. P.

WALKIB 41 stain street, and ti Beeoad street, LeuUrtll, By. Oanerel Bdverttatng Agents ar atithortsed to eontrast te ndrerOslng In tb NXW ORLIABS DAILY" AND WIIKLX PIOATUBaV Hares, lev teaAy, OuHGeTOf eentalnXser aB39 tave paces, well lsest Ja.0w 10. 1 ooamnuvs axx LAWTEB8 IB TEX T7XITBB BTATXSi THJC STATE ILBXOKTJ Piles THE LAW KZarSTERt I sCOFTT eowrnrnrv BTATB AT OOCHTT OFTICUa, THB OB4AXV iaxiob, jcsTSBicnoH, abt riaia OB THI COURTS BOB, KVXBT BTATB ABO TXXBATOXI. THS OFFICIAL DIBXCTOKT FOB THB CBTTBS ooaraarnia ran omens, of thb pbdbbai. cjoTrsnxxr, imm VUTUI OF THB EaVEEAL DE1A1T StSNTS, SKETCHES OF AU.

THB HBMBBBA OB. COBQBX8S, THI OFFICERS AND TBBK3 OF THB FEDERAL OOCBTBi THE COLLECTOR'S ASSISTANTS errnre ran Laws for Collecting Debts, Executing trials. Yea lljlng Claims, and Taking Testimony, with Forme for Every State WITH MUCH OTHER UEXFCL DFOBBUTIOB ths wholb co*kirrrrrure air omitaa aae BUSINESS Prepared from Official Returns by JOHN LIVINGSTON. Of tbe Hew Tork Bar, Secretary of the Merchants Colon Law NEW TORK: rtBtiisn kt ths nireraAXT rwnxr law coarast. No.

US roadway. Third Fleer, la tbe Americas Bxohange National Bank The Book will be sent, Prepaid, to any siiflraes the United States, on resell of TIN DOLLARS or It win he forwarded by Express, with 01 to be Paid on Delivery. From ALBX W. RANDALL, Peatmaetar General ST. JOHN B.

L. SKIflNBR, Pint Assistant Postmaster General sad JOSBPH H. BLACK FAN, Chief Clerk Poet Office Department. WASHINGTON, D. Feb.

14, 1BSS. JOHJI LTVTBGSTON, Secretary Merchants, union Law Company Dear Sir Tour new LAW RBQISTZB and OFFICIAL DIBBCTOBT, )ust Issued, appears te have been very earefally prepared, and we thing may be of great service in the taaoaactloa the business of this Department. The work will doubtless prove valuable to every official, merchant and basinees man. ALU. W.

BABDALL, Postmaster General. ST. JOBB B. 8. BUHNER, First Assistant Postmaster Qeneral.

JOSBPH BLACKPAR, Chief Clerk Post Offles Department, From Hon. FRANCIS B. SPINS KR, Treasurer of the United States. WASHINGTON, D. Feb.

laSS. JOHN LTVT5G8TON, Secretary plerchanU Colon Law Company Dear Sir The new LAW EBGISTIB and OFFICIAL just issued, appears to have been very carefully prepared, and we find it ef great eerviee la the transaction of the hnsinoss of IhU Department. We think the work would prove a valuable acq nisi tion to, and ahoald be en the desk of every prominent official, banker, mar chaut and business man. t. B.

PPrjBTB, mhll Treasurer United Bute. PATENT AGKNCl OFFICK. WASHINGTON CITT, a B. S. FAHNESTOOK Late Examiner, U.

8. Patent Offiee, attends So applications and all matters pertaining to patents. For refereaoes. aoopaoaiars. dH ldpeWW JULES as OOJ Ot RaJta, Karma, rule and Leadan Bole Proprietors of the celebrated TTJTUX CBPS, Dry Champagne, and holders at ths best BSD AND WHTTB BrBGCBDIBS a) had, such as BOMANXB, BICHZBOCB4, CHAMBXETT3, CLOJS VOCOBOT, OOUTOB BTJTTS, VOLNAT.

POMHARD, BBACNB, BtOBTBAOBXT and CEABLIS, For erdera. write ts Buita, ParM sr LOhdon, or apply to JOHN sL BURROWS, Gravisr street, a 4kWtf rrrftriw net KEMICKY fTATK L.OTTEH.IES. CHAS. T. EOWARD thU day open the sale of Combination Lottery Tickets on the Three Bomber Plan, as follows On MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Tickets 2 so, g.s and 1X On TUESDAY and SATURDAY Ticks ts and $10.

On FRIDAY Ticket Shares in all the above schemes In proportion. Flans of tie lotteries and explanation of the drawing will be sent each purchaser. Capital Prize In One Dollar Scheme, VuQ. Capital Priae in Two Dollar and Fifty Cents Scheme, IP. ooo.

Capital Prise for Fire Dollar Scheme, Qto. Capital Prize for Ten Dollar Schsme, All orders promptly fills by return mail and the managers' ofiieial and oom missions re certified printed drawing are aent te all purchasers Immediately after the drawing. All communications are atrictly enadentlal. An order for less than On Dellar win not be ex ecuted. all the drawings are pu Wished la the Bew Orleans, New Tork and St.

Louis dailx paper. In ordering Tickets, taelos the amount of money to oux address, by mall, for what yea wish to pur chase, name the Lottery In which yen wish ft In vested, and whether you wish Whole, Halve or Quarters, on receipt of which we aaad what la ordered, by first mail, together with tbe schema Bill on aQ solvent Banks, Bank Checks, Certificates of Deposits aad Postags Stamps, received la payment te ticket. Prise Tickets should be returned te thla eOoe Cor payment or renewed in other ticket. Taey will be paid la Bank Checks, or ta such manner a will best accommodate the purchaser. Address all orders to CHAS.

T. HOWARD, Lock Boxes, New Orleans, La. apU '61 lyltldp BTATK TAXES. LAST NOTICE TO STATE TAX PAYERS IN THB Fires District, (from Canal to FelioUy tret. Yon sr again notlned that if year Stat been as and Stat tax ar not paid on or before tb th day of Mar they will be put tn nutt at year expense, as tbe tun te payment expired on tb 1st day of Maraa.

THOA ASKEW, anO lit State Tax OoOeesoc; First Distriet. ELDING, KEITH OO, AKSBICaB BAXnBS AID atlBCBABTB, SO Leaanard Strtet. HO LONDON, B. a Dealer Ta EXCHANGE, C. 8.


kL wirt wis an. IXlTjaZl AlSAlGXtOBT. On and arte April 1st, 1SSS. Kill a' r. iurnaaasawai raon cttt.

A St. Hone Car. Train, HA. SL 15 r. stspat AiJtAeemaaat.

Ueaa trail from eity, tanMafl Sunday adenine as 4 wewel ee 'Haras An extra train will lasr VHtStjWnrj Bnn4ss7 On and afto Apsfl Stkv tbe cralaa a saasw either end of th read en Bnneayn at evnry naBT boor front until I eeeck P. BC Bare to and from the Lake, same Say, tS aeoka, 1 Passengers te eeattBy mass asefTj Ik a fnaine rot prior to departure ef tratav Pase oemm Station is cento each way 0t ABT)aXT," nihil 6S otf Geneai nny 'r 1 I ink DIRECT E0LTK TO THI IiS7r ru Atlantic and Great Weitern Eillwir. THB ONLT BROAD OACOB BOCTB TBS IASTJ Two Express Psasogec Trains leers Vew'Oaw emns as iouows i TA. SL, and Jr.

AC vta irn, asawon HQ MMnS making direct snrinastlsi ptees Pasasnger Trains on the ATLANTIC AND GBBAT WISTtXJ N1 0. B. WESTERN MCIBIANA AJD ems axes Standing. Os rears e. ha nu Ta BATLWAZ.

iMvuig wrinnan as aBewvt DATUGHTNTNG EXPRESS A anrvtecSB Terk P. K. next Say. and Bosun I ABL. BIGHT aJGHTBTBQ BXPBESS.

P. ta New lock 1 A. P. af. aspond venint GOLDKN PALACB ttttfTtO LTD DAT OOaCBJT deb are ran frees Olaetanatt BewTs enaagee.

Pssaengara beading Tareagh Tickets nsnenMS eesua uotaen niece Mkr naf ses extraebarge. This lathe rr nmti mntitng ijnsss 1 and Faaaenawr Cars thromrh (na CiMiuJil Psissrgsrs aboald always axass taw tWr ttsksan when purcbaatnr. and see the they read via Aa lacne asd GmatVsslira Rati way. Through Tiekets te sale at all prtnerpal BinassT wfflees ths Sooth; In New Orleans, a earns? usbp aoa voesmoa streota. Bos and fet.

Jasaee Hotels, 1M Oosns uo resemtser Depe or Nv I Great Nonlara isilmad. dJl rt "1 TTIiasa on sbset and 8AJK. A Bontnern Passtugsa Aena. r. b.

aBArmC General TVkat Agsstt. OBLBABB, OPBLOCSA1 ATS WBSTKBB nArr.nni RXAT MAIL BOCTB BXTWXXB BTW OBJJUJBB, The Ballroed Terry Boat wm leers the feot ajf BU Aanetseet, oppoeit Jackson Bqsjsre, DaiLT, at lis A sL, ooaoeetlsg with the) TRAIN, leaving Algiers at I A. Shippers and eonsigTiees of freight BT KtvamB notloe Vs the New Orleans Tlnmpsn eaw ner Camp and Common streota, can bare these goods received or dehvatwd tn any part ef tne ettar now rat axaTaga. Freight for staUoos on th fang, tor TrnltliaTS on the Teebe, and te Opaloasaa. dslnsissis aa New (aeria Jht.

MartinsrUi, reoeired dailv. Sundays exerted) nwea 1A K. teSP. attM oted St. Aua stseet.

Freight for all points on Bays LarouKha, Vs rweea aoaoie vuj ana houum sot Canal, and for Honaaa, will be reoalrwd and portea tnrocrn, via waeeiene. Terretaoan BtaMone a akiwu Ail outward freight payable at ta Uaae ef ajatn meat, and all Inward freight on seirvery, ft. W. JA BATLBT, acl4 tf SaperlnUrtflsnt T. W.

BOTOICaU tEDERfAKXR, Crer ef Caaap and Dslsrd NEW OBXBABB, Metsilio, lUbegaay. Black Watont, and wood (JeSns always on hand. Black, aatva, rowa, and white Me line ladles' and eaildrea's Bliiowdieg Embalming and Dtsiaterrlng. Bodies earefajw shipped. Hearses, damages and Oabe ear Hive.

KuLerals arteaded te ta peraon by th liiprtnar. wbo lopes, by awe attsstian, abteia a skasn or pcm wnvrMa dentistry yVV'vVwVVwVwwWwwwVWwa WEST. PBAOTIOAIi Tweaty tw Tears, 3 North etc. baxarerto square, roopoowinjr ex aw an pen th TEETH ta a most afauful nee I i I'TtTik iilnslj algk.1 ly prove ebeaess than ta eMws. Hi msihod ef eutmiviaa ARTIFICIAL without wires or aprlnfa.

apan hi new nrlnatpt eaneeiua, nss pvwoarea Bias aair and 1 res ided a aysiem althact karsBtsa. met aruouiaaon an masu natural tnappsexaoeet ie eVafj aleeest ebserrwa, Tbe nuasuhnirr off W.w ARTHflOLAL asn1nal smlssirtia 84 kyM ha bea tsewaj kaewa by hsadred wa are ee mytng th seneaa ot inssn. i iwsuire acjr i raftrg. Pereon dtstiuss ef erraUiag th aocn woei wwu i emu ana axeman a) ssena DR, WESTS nstbod JflLUJfw WITH GOLD aossblaes aU tb silm la Taoee lnterestad wul Lad Uvea i ko be aattraly and eerupoJooara Teeth BTwaosed wrHhewt PaJaw BIXDICA1. CAJjtPS.

BOOKFOBTHB CI FOETUS ATI J. BALD VIJ DCTF8 Treatise on Privat rjiaea, tapwteaew, Los of Pswsz, Nerrwoa Debility, with net mpedimento to Marriage, ehoala be reed by ail contemplating ananiag. Bant by mall en reoatyS of cent, by J. B. DCTT OBUnS.

Bew Or leans w.iti Insflmta, plS CS lyf SS4 ntagaatne street, BwwOtieeaa where all prrrato dieeaiss are soeeaeefhllv tiesied. rvB. aberntthtb oobobbexa ajtd olkbt Detergent, pel gL Tb only known and sstakltshss to JJ parts ef.ths iimsi te requlie any eo whleh Innelastaoi rrl Its nnrvaraal niisiisa. te kae ever tasted, warrant to to ear In tety lgat near tee, to all tbsir etacea, Stsvsnje. Paine of th Leiaa ta ntatlon Oravel, as well Caranto eases of and lnflamely eases of (insinssi.

rmilnd White. ion tb Urethra naat of tbe Crtoaay wholesale ar retaQ, at tbe Drug ntor uwst, and amggists genu i. VXDtCAL OOIiBwB OB. lit. Shang Place, ts na Bieavlii and Osntletisiny INVALUABLE DISOOTBRT.

pay tee. aire tntu a enr in etreeieq raves DR. bfULLEN th stlastl ef i with snyef abe sarsss efS rim.IT isra. swtte to wrsss srfOsnawrnrlewri fjT" Bland, Bis psiisnS byammm as smry nran a new be iitslm tea mm si sesisirej If aeplMntton aana taaae wans la srprvMndki nan be raltoA en. MbLUUI 1 asyrben set meienil Irs hours Paa.

aoa wtoen haastoi sA a ars rssantrwsssi natansn i an ana in tnaaerrj; an an aasny nases t) StSataMsS Raw Orlesasl to as hand tree tsaSTH KrKWxr toi Raw Tark. Hi tosntn ta mas mmIts anbeea, tarpeaun. Iom bus ease to ebtol sni to wttboot pato. Uie venianss aetesed to. La.

a kaewm swath nl Ru, ts eartaeaes si si aw rsstsrs ta eban, wunsa tne sunw iMPOTalCX. Tenaif sass ee e4hra, vVk ryanni nalsx I nsl ps mrli saav bare bews 11 in i lr ii any of th pniafal luumnstin i to i usyisssa laroraatasr I deasara. or ositnne) it urw. iruij. av.


The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.